还原精灵的密码If you forget the password to restore the wizard, the trouble will be big. You can t solve this problem by uninstalling the software because you need to type in the password when you uninstall it. What should I do? Don t worry, I can manage!Method 1: temporary solutionIf you forget to restore the sprite password, you install a new program that prompts you to restart your computer. Do not click the OK button at this point, and then choose restart later . In the beginning, and then select restart the computer closed system , attention must hold down the Shift button on the computer, it will directly reload the system program, thus bypassing the protection restore wizard.Method two: long-term solutionIf you want to long-term preservation of their documents, must remove the restore wizard or restore wizard has administrator password, to remove the restore wizard is not difficult, a dedicated online remove Restore Wizard program Restore Wizard cleaner , run directly after the Restore Wizard password clear. However, it should be noted that the restore wizard is a risk in the most important master boot record MBR of the hard disk drive, so it is dangerous to use this restore wizard eraser.Method three: using the initial passwordThe restore card has the default initialization password, and if you haven t modified its default password, it s much simpler because the restore wizard s default password is Simple?Method four: write a letter and ask for the passwordThe installation will restore wizard with a Restore Wizard tool, which provides manufacturers to read the password tool readpwd.exe, run it can also get the Restore Wizard encrypted password, similar to this format: [DB][B8][5E][79][3E][3B][5E][C5][BD][B2], the encrypted password is sent to the mailbox: info@, only one or two days can be sent to software developers password.In this way, without any software, simply a few times you can get the restore wizard password! Conversely, anyone can use this method to get the restore wizard s password, including restricted users! So you have to keep the password reading tool readpwd.exe, rename it, hide it, or simply delete it, so it s much safer.Method five: overriding the main boot sectorRestore wizard will intercept the system s underlying function call, leaving its mark in the main boot area of the hard disk. The main boot area of the hard disk stores the system s primary boot information and partition information, and is generally very interested in it. If we can hold the main boot sector of the hard disk before the restore wizard, then we can have the maximum administrative privileges on the hard disk. In other words, the restore wizard has been eliminated by us.Based on the above principle, rewrite the main boot sector with the fidisk/mbr command, and then restart your computer, so that the restore wizard is gone.Method six: use the 16 hex file editorWinHex s memory search and editing capabilities can help us recover lost restore sprite passwords.The specific method is: right click on the lower right corner of the taskbar icon restore wizard, select the parameter settings to change your password in the pop-up menu, enter the old password in the dialog box, just fill out a few numbers such as 123456; enter the new password in the password box, there is also a 371042 random fill, finally click OK button.Because we are casually enter the password, so the old password is not correct, the dialog box will pop up, suggesting that the password is not correct, do not pay attention to click OK button to run 16 hexadecimal file editor WinHex, click tools menu in the RAM editor , in the open window to find Hddgmon the main memory , here is the restore wizard Hddgmon process.Finally, click search find text menu option in WinHex, and add the random password you filled in in the open window 371042. After the OK point, the real code will appear in front of us!Principle: after entering the password, the software will use its internal pre defined method to calculate the real password, and enter the password for comparison, the comparison process is carried out in memory. Because WinHex has excellent memory editing capabilities, they can be found by searching input strings in memory. In general, the comparison of true and false passwords can be very close so that we can find them easily.Method seven: use the Restore Wizard password to read the softwareBy way of six, we do not come to a conclusion: Restore Wizard exists in memory stored plaintext password vulnerabilities, restore wizard password reading software, the use of the software can easily restore the password wizard. This software is very simple to use, simply open the Restore Wizard change password or check the windows administrator password window, then do not need to enter any password, simply click the read button, the software will automatically restore wizard from memory read password.

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2.《还原精灵密码忘记了 还原精灵的密码(Restore sprite password)》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
