《服装专业英语》 第二讲——纺织服装学院Unit 2 Basic styles of clothingBasic stylesWomen’s wearMen’s wearChildren’s wearOthersMen’s wearMen are not as picky about clothing as women and teens are. Men prefer to be comfortable, usually dress in suits or jeans, sweaters and shirts. Men like wearing plain sweaters with no pockets, or other designs. The most important style of men’s wear are some formal clothes even many casual men don’t like their confines. Such confining clothes include business suit, swallow-tailed coat, vest, tailored jacket, and so on. Business suit commonly has two typical types: double-breasted suit and single-breasted suit. It is for some formal occasions as making an appointment with clients, negotiating with business fellowship or singing a contract.Swallow-tailed coat is a type of formal attire, also called tuxedo. It is for daytime or evening party. The very formal one is black tail coat which has tails on the back cut from the side seams. The front panel is waist length, and has silk strips. It is worn with waistcoat, a shirt and a white bow-tie.Tailored jackets are made of fine suiting fabric to ensure their smooth and flat shape. They allow outfits to be put together according to individual tastes. Vest is short clothes usually without covering for arms, and is worn under a suit, especially by man as part of a suit on special occasions. The main purpose of children’s wear is to protect children from injury first and lay out their different personalities. Overalls, jumpers, jersey, shorts are their favorite.Jumper is a loose fitting coat-like garment without sleeves, worn over a blouse. Overall is a garment made in piece to cover the whole body.Uniforms are most common in elementary, middle and junior high schools; not everybody is welcoming the idea. They say there’s no link between schools uniforms and safety or good grades. Teenagers who decide what to wear in the morning are developing decision-making skills and learning to take responsibility for their choices in life. 1.什么是流行?2.女装的类别有哪些?3.男装的类别有哪些?4.童装的类别有哪些?熟悉及掌握本节所学内容;翻译课后练习2、3;课后项目讨论1.人体测量需要哪些基准点、基准线?2.平面制版和立体制版的区别是什么?

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