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The palace museum,also known as the forbidden city,is one of the most visited museums in the world and tops the must-see tourist destinant


Since 2012,the museum has drawn over 100 million visits . in 2018,over 17 . 5 million people visited the museum,and about 20 percent


During this year's may day holiday,the museum received another 320,000 visitors,with many of them coming from outside China。


Dagmara bahoria、a41-year-old from Poland、works as a part-time tour guide for a polish travel agency and has paid about 50 vision

现年41岁的Dagmara Bahoria来自波兰,作为当地旅行社的兼职导游来故宫50多次。

Dag Mara paid her first visit to the site in 2012.it was a dream from my childhood to see the forbidden city,And the feeling of actually seeing it is one of the best,' said dagmara,who beera


the name forbidden city sounds really mysterious . with its history hidden for so many years from outsiders,I feel like I'm time-


but the forbidden city is no longer off-limits to outsiders . instead it is becoming more friendly to foreign visitors、as dagmara has nos


——新华网报道:《China Focus : plala ce Museum Welcomes More Overseas Visitors》(节选)



通过人民出版社出版的CHN Stories推出的国内第一部青少年用中英双语版中国文化系列丛书《用英语讲中国故事》。在丛书基础级读本的《中国风物》一章中,讲述了有关故宫的故事3354

"https://p3.toutiaoimg.com/large/pgc-image/1a7be68bf4574267b69e875ec16b92df?from=article.detail&_iz=31825&index=1" width="600" height="390"/>

Imperial Palace with a Central Axis


Emperor Cheng of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) who had affection for Beijing decided to move his capital there from Nanjing.


Since it was the new home of the emperor, Beijing had to have a suitable palace for him to receive his ministers in audience and to carry out his administrative work. So the senior ministers in charge of public works got together to build an imperial walled palace in Beijing. But the expertise of the ministers alone was not sufficient to carry out this magnificent task, and so imperial decrees were issued recruiting talented people from all over China to come to Beijing to help with the work.


In Suzhou a young man in his early twenties responded to the call, and decided to contribute his talent. He was confident that, since his father Kuai Fu had been a master carpenter and had handed his skill down to his son, he could build a palace and a wall fit for the emperor. His design concept was a simple one: Unpretentious, and occupying the seat of the highest honor. After all, it would be the residence of emperors. All the territory of the empire belonged to the ruler, and his ministers governed it for him. So every corner and every building in the palace had to exude the supreme imperial authority.


His assistant was doubtful, “‘Occupying the seat of the highest honor’ is all very well, but how can you bring it to reality?”

他的助手有点不解:“‘居中为尊 ’这个想法非常好,但您怎么落实它呢?”

The talented youth laid down the compasses he had been holding, thought for a while, and then said, “I’m going to do it by creating a central axis running in a straight line from south to north.”

这位有才华的年轻人放下手中的规矩,想了一会说道:“我要用一条从南到北一字贯穿的中轴线来体现这个 ‘居中为尊 ’。”

His assistant was even more puzzled, “A straight line? How can that express your con­cept of exuding authority?”


The young man explained, “This central axis will connect the Meridian Gate in the south of the imperial palace with the Xuanwu Gate in the northernmost area, dividing the palace into two parts and connecting the most important groups of buildings – the Three Great Halls, the Three Rear Palaces and the Imperial Garden. On one side will be the Hall of Literary Glory, and on the other side the Hall of Martial Valor, as well as six palaces on either side. That is how I will bring balance to the imperial palace. The balance between the left and right sides will focus the imperial audiences granted to ministers and com­moners on the core building of the complex, the Taihe Hall. This is the center of worship of the emperor, and how I will express the concept of ‘occupying the seat of the highest honor’.”

“你看,这条中轴线连接着南面的午门和最北侧的玄武门。中轴线由南至北横穿宫城,串联起最主要的建筑群:三大殿、后三宫和御花园。在中轴线的左右两侧,对称排列文华殿和武英殿,东六宫和西六宫。我这是用中轴线表现出宫城的对称性;再利用左右两侧的对称性把臣民的朝拜焦点集中在整个宫城的核心宫殿太和殿。这就是万岁爷无上尊崇核心之地。这也是我想表达的 ‘居中为尊 ’。”

Having blurted this out, the young man couldn’t help continuing, “Unlike the compara­tively modest design of Chinese leisure grounds, the imperial palace must directly express its nature of being replete with supreme power. In the creative concepts of construction handed down to us by our forefathers aesthetic balance is one which workmen constantly use to highlight the ultimate nature of any object. This axis will just help observers to in­tuitively grasp the sublime essence of the design, and their eyes will, by seeing the whole length of the axis from the Meridian Gate, rest on the central hall.” With this, he stabbed his finger at the representation of the central hall on the blueprint, smiling proudly.


Master Kuai’s idea showed a good grasp of the concept of his illustrious ancestor. Master Kuai himself became the originator of the design for this magnificent palace com­pound. It was his unique sense of craftsmanship that enabled him, through his balanced central axis, to endow the imperial palace with its imposing aspect and exquisite regular­ity. It also makes the Forbidden City outstanding in the history of ancient Chinese archi­tecture.













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