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Lesson 3 Please send me a card

1、污点v .损坏、破坏

Boil v.n .沸腾,沸腾,

例句:She put some potatoes on to boil。


Italian。意大利人,意大利语adj .意大利人,意大利语

3、lendsb.sth .或lend sth。to sb。借给某人某物,借给某人。

Borrow sth。或者borrow sth。from sb。向某人借某物借入

例句:They refused to lend us the money。

我的I borrow your newspaper?

4、a few words几句话

5、decision n .决定,选择

Decide v .决定,决定

示例:It's up to you to decide。

Determine v .决定,确认

例句:the size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time。


duble a .双份,双份

例句:His income is double hers。




示例:Last summer、I went to Italy。

(2)否定句,did not动词原形

例句:I did not understand a word。

(3)一般疑问句,did or was/were提到主语之前,句子的开头

例句:Did you see the accident,sir?


例句:What did you do?


例句:He lent me a book。

或He lent a book to me。

He sent me a card。

或He sent a card to me。

He passed me the salt。

或He passed the salt to me。

She bought me a tie。

或She bought a tie for me。

She made me a cake。

或She made a cake for me。


post cards always spoil the writer ' s holidays . last summer he spent his holidays in Italy . he thought about post cards every day . he Ds to his friends


this text described that the writer is not good at writing post cards . he always be annoyed by post cards when he was traveling to other places;Mer,he went to Italy . though he thought about post cards every day,he didn ' t write any cards to his friends .

I don ' t understand why he should write post cards to his friends . maybe it is a traditional habit for foreigners in his country。

before our reformation and opening-up,very few people send post cards . in those days,people seldom go to other cities as tourists

most of us tried to find a chance to go to the other cities on a business trip . then after getting over with the business we can go sightseeing . nover Sent pent

Recent years,post cards are popular among young people . following our living level growing,traveling on own payment is beginning to bo

there is a shop to sell post cards almost in eachscenic spot . there you can buy cards,Write it and stamp the special seal which there is the scenic sppthe owner of the shop will help you to mail it or you can put it Into a mailbox which stands at the gate of the shop。

Do you like postcards?would you like to send post cards when you travel to other cities or countries?













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