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【英语四级作文点评模板高中】第四阶段情景提示写作:Love Abuse in Public Places

第四阶段情景提示写作:Love Abuse in Public Places

Love Abuse in Public Places

Directions: For this part,You ' re allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic 3360 love abuse in public places . You should write



love abusein public places

there spreads a catch phraseamong the youth nowadays that our society is becoming open for one ' s personality,So it is not un common that our ertrue,no one could deny its nobility to express affection for another person through a kiss But out of place,it will become immoral in view of。

every nation has her own cultural tradition . the same can be said of China . Chinese people put great value on affections among them,Yet the way to they must neglect the truth that opening door to the outside world doesn ' t mean welcoming everything with exotictastes . it is by no means a Ng for or or

In our eyes,love is private and should be treated as such。everything that runs counter tothe traditions should be considered immoral,No matter how much one may dislike to confess it . to put the wrong Rong





out of place:不合适;不合适



润counter to:反对.反对;反对。违反。









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