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four contributions of China ' 197492 poverty alleviation to the world



Recently,Chen zhigang,deputy director of the state Council leading group office of poverty alleviation And development,China, And they are committed to promoting human rights by reducing poverty . especially since the 18th CPC national congress,China has implemented the


First of all,China ' 197492 poverty reduction achievements are an important component of the world ' 197492 poverty reduction cause . SSE中国has achieved such remarkable achievements I

n poverty reduction within such a short period of time. It can be said that China has created a miracle in the world history of poverty reduction, directly promoting the process of the world’s poverty reduction and making great contributions to the world’s cause of poverty reduction.

2019年11月28日—29日,“中非合作论坛-减贫与发展会议”在乌干达首都坎帕拉举行(图 新华社)


Secondly, China has made an important contribution to the world’s cause of human rights with its achievements in poverty reduction. Under the guidance of “people-centered” ideology, China, with the aim of ensuring the poor’s rights to survive and develop, has greatly improved the levels of infrastructure, public services and people’s livelihood in poverty-stricken areas through years of poverty alleviation and development. Especially since the vigorous implementation of targeted poverty alleviation, the government has made extraordinary efforts and taken more targeted measures to help the poor to alleviate poverty and develop through industrial development, ecological protection, and educational and medical services on the basis of realizing the basic right to live of citizens. In the process of eliminating absolute poverty in an all-around way, the government followed the poverty relief standard that rural poor people are free from worries over food and clothing and have access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing, and paid special attention to safeguarding the rights of vulnerable groups like the elderly, the disabled, women, children and ethnic minorities, so as to constantly improve people’s sense of gain, happiness and security. On the one hand, the effectiveness of combating poverty is a concentrated embodiment of the CPC’s tenet of “all for the people”; on the other hand, it is the most remarkable symbol of the progress of China’s human rights cause, reflecting China’s practical contribution to the cause of human rights in the world.

中老合作社区减贫示范项目,让老挝首都郊区农户受益匪浅(图 新华社)


Thirdly, the poverty reduction experience of China, the largest developing country in the world, also provides an important reference for other developing countries. As a large developing country, China synchronizes economic growth with poverty reduction and enables the poor to share the fruits of economic development, which in itself provides a model for other developing countries to reduce poverty. In the practice of poverty alleviation around the world, all countries face a common problem—the “last kilometer” problem. That is, as poverty alleviation actions gradually reduce the number of poverty-stricken population, poverty elimination among the remaining small poor population may become much more difficult. That is why the vast majority of developing countries and many developed countries have failed to solve this problem. China’s targeted poverty alleviation is exactly aimed at the poor people in the last kilometer of the road to poverty elimination by focusing on eradicating poverty in severely impoverished areas, mobilizing the whole society to concentrate on eliminating absolute poverty, and ensuring that none falls behind on the road to a well-off society in an all-around way. This has contributed Chinese wisdom and programs to the eradication of poverty in other developing countries.


Finally, China actively disseminates and shares its experience in poverty reduction and promotes international cooperation in the field of poverty reduction. While promoting its own poverty reduction, China actively disseminates its relevant experience and participates in poverty reduction in the world. As the Belt and Road Initiative and the concept of building a community of shared future for mankind are implemented since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has supported and helped other developing countries, especially the least developed countries, to eradicate poverty through South-South cooperation based on its own experience in poverty reduction. To that end, China established the South-South Cooperation Assistance Fund to support developing countries in implementing the Post 2015 Development Agenda. It also provided support for developing countries in six aspects, covering 100 poverty reduction projects, 100 agricultural cooperation projects, 100 aid for trade projects, 100 ecological protection and climate change tackling projects, 100 hospitals and clinics, as well as 100 schools and vocational training centers; it offered education and training services to developing countries as well.

中国援柬埔寨减贫示范合作项目让柬村民走上脱贫路 (图 新华社)





国内统一连续出版物号:CN 51-1788/F

国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2096-2886




















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