robots machine

Robots are coming to Sweden

Sweden ' s famously generous social welfare system makes this a place not prone to fretting about automation-or much else,for that mattion

fret:[fret]to worry about something,especially when there is no need让人焦虑不安

prone:[prn]likely to do something or suffer from something,具有专业的something bad or harmful倾向,而且容易。的


Persson,35,sits in front of four computer screens,one displaying the loader He steers as it lifts freshly blasted rock containing sills


steer:[ST]vt . to control the direction a vehicle is going,for example by turning a wheel控制,开机

shaft:[\ 5 uft]n . a passage which goes down through a building or down into the ground,so that someone or something can get in on

joy stick:[' distik]n . an upright handle that you use to control something such as an air craft or a computer game


he is cognizant that robots are evolving by the day . boliden is testing self-driving vehicles to replace truck drivers . but Persson asson Always be Nene

cognizant:[' k(g)NZ()nt]adj . if some one is cognizant of something,they know about it and understand it

Assume: ['sjum] vt。to think that something is true,although you do not have definite proof假设

torment:[' tment]n . severe mental or physical suffering



