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1.come to an end

2.be going to do sth。想做某事

3.plan to do sth。/make a plan to do sth。计划做某事

4.go on/for a trip旅行用电


1.去参观pay a visit to

2.places of interest名胜古迹

3.around the world/all over the world全球


5.show sb . sth。=show sth。to sb。向某人展示某物

6.go sightseeing旅游16578

7.拍摄take photos照片

8.阅读do some reading

9.help my parents with some house wonk父母帮助做家务

10.takepart in some voluntary aivi tie将参加感光活动

11.spend time on/( in) doing sth。花时间做某事

12.beknown/famous for……。以闻名


1.enjoy oneself玩得开心

2.have a good/greatv wonderful time玩得开心。过得愉快

3.open ' s eyes/mind扩大某人的视野

4.enjoy the beauty of nature品味自然之美

5.improve oneself由某人提升自己

6.期待look forward to

7.can't wait to do sth。等不及要做某事


1.keep away from离得很远……。

2.Safety comes first。安全第一



1.the summer vacation is coming soon/on the way . how will you spendit?

2.now let me tell you something about my summer . I ' ve made a plan for our trip next


4.I think it ' s fun to have a vacation in the mountains .

5.it is necessary to take a meaningful summer vacation after the exam .


1.I also want to learn to draw pictures . because it is not only interesting but also relaxing .

2.Tony is going to be a volunteer in a hospital . he ' ll get some experience in taking care of people .

3.then I ' ll learn some cooking from my mother because cooking is one of the basic life skills .

4.also/besides,I am going to join a summer camp in July where I can relax my self and make


5、finally、you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people、

6.The main reason of travelling is,perhapsfor pleasure。

7.by traveling,we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and elax ourselves,

8.traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world .

9.traveling is one of the greatest joys in people ' s life . it ' sa way to see the world

and learn about places you ' ve never been to before。

10.im going to enjoy my self in the sea of knowledge . im going to keep fit at the same time .

lm going to help my parents do some housework as well during the vacation .

11.as for traveling,im planning to go to Hainan . but whether going there or not will

Depend on the weather .


1.All of us felt very tired but happy。

2.I will never forget the vacation。

3.I hope I will have a good time during my summer holiday .

4.above all,I hope all of us can have a pleasant/wonderful vacation/holiday .






要求:1.词数:80 - 100。开头已给出,不计人总词数。 2.文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。

We did a survey about middle school students' weekend activities. Here are the results.

Most of them have todo homework because they have too much schoolwork.35% of the students like playing computer games. Theythink it can make them relax. Some students enjoy read-ing on the weekend. The others do some other things like listening to music, visiting parents and so on. In myopinion, weekend is a good time forus to have a goodrest. But as students, we may as well set aside some timeto review what we have learned in school. I would like toarrangetime like this: in the mornings,we should doourhomework; in the atermoons, we can have sports

or helpwith somehousework, or even go shopping with our parents; in the evenings, we can

watch TV or surf the Internetfora while. In this way, we canlay a solid foundationfor

our future developmentand enjoy ourselves.





(连载)2018年高考英语作文必背 - 必背范文02 邀请信


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