以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!半信半疑bàn xìn bàn yí
他对这个问题的解释我总是半信半疑。I’m rather in doubt about his explanation of this question. 谣传他已经自杀, 但我对此半信半疑。The story goes that he died by his own hands, but this looks rather suspicious.薛帕德半信半疑,决定不回电话。 Dubious, Shepard decided not to return the call.
他对这个问题的解释我总是半信半疑。 I’m rather in doubt about his explanation of this question.
这人半信半疑,又问道地是不是会陷下去。 Half convinced, the man raised another question that whether the ground would cave in.
我们对乔治叔叔所讲的战争故事半信半疑。 We took Uncle George’s stories of the war with a grain of salt.
我们对保罗大叔讲述的战争故事半信半疑。 We took Uncle Paul’s stories of the war with a grain of salt.
我们对父亲讲的有关神灵的故事半信半疑。 We took my father’s stories of the gods with a grain of salt.
我只是半信半疑。 I was in dubitation.
迈克半信半疑。 Mike looked dubious.
这个故事使我半信半疑,那棵榕树的确长得很像一位女子。 This story made me doubtful about this and really grow banyan tree much like a woman.
以上回答调查问题者承认,他们对政府公布的数据是半信半疑的。 More than 91 per cent of the respondents admitted that they would take government data with a pinch of salt.
消息传出,小镇的孤儿们半信半疑,他们抱着试试的态度前去应聘。 News of the orphans are skeptical about the town, they went with the attitude of candidates to try.
有不少网友反映,对百度的态度经历了从深信不疑到半信半疑的转变。 There are a lot of friends to reflect on Baidu’s attitude has undergone no doubt from the uncertainty of change.
公务员:哦,是这样啊。可以,我给你。你的号码是多少? Official : Oh, it is that. Yes, you get it. What’s your member?
虔诚的男子对邪恶的平民生动的描述他丿其妻子的附近半信半疑。 The pious man is dubious about the vicious civilian’s vivid description of his vicinity to his wife.
我半信半疑地摘了一棵有斑的枇杷:“哎呀,太甜蜜了,简直太甜蜜了。” I am dubious about to have picked a spot of loquat: “Oh, too sweet, and almost too sweet.”
尽管媒体屡屡劝告大家,新居装修不能找“熟人”,可我还是有点半信半疑。 Despite the media have advised you that can not find new homes decoration “acquaintances” may I still somewhat skeptical about this.
麦德伦从小就很注意大脚传说,也听说弗里曼是个骗子:「所以我半信半疑。」 Meldrum—who has followed Bigfoot lore since he was a boy—had heard that Freeman was a hoaxer, “so I was very dubious, ” he recalls.
很 多人都对以上照片抱着半信半疑的态度,有些人更坚持不信,认为是电脑效果。 Many people have to take photos of uncertainty over the attitude of some people do not even adhere to the letter that the puter effects.
强调由半信半疑或焦虑而引直的困惑,例如:当想要达到理解、做出决定或寻找解决方案时。 Perplex=stresses puzzlement resulting in uncertainty or anxiety, as over attaining prehension, reaching a decision, or finding a solution.
即使琼斯已经归还了她的奖牌,但是关于她的队友,关于争吵的结果人们仍旧大多半信半疑。 Even though Jones had already returned her medals, there was still a lot of uncertainty regarding the oute of debates on her teammates.
妇人半信半疑的脱去了上衣,医生用他的手在妇人的胸部上上摸摸,下摸摸,左搓搓,右揉揉。 Uncertainty, the woman took off her clothes, and the doctor put his hand on the woman’s chest, touch down touch up, rubbed the left and right.
妇人半信半疑的脱去了上衣,医生用他的手在妇人的胸部上上摸摸,下摸摸,左搓搓,右揉揉。 Skeptical of the woman to take off his shirt, a doctor with his hand in the woman’s touch on the chest on the next touch, Cuocuo left and right Rourou.
瑞典大臣们对欧洲委员会主席这个新职务半信半疑,他们更觉得这就是个组织27国领导人开会的“选出来的会首”。 Swedish ministers are dubious about the new job of president of the European Council, preferring the idea of an “elected chairman” who can organise meetings of the 27 leaders.
车祸后,他右腿有些跛,抱着半信半疑的态度,又到唐都医院进行了HIV检测,结果还是阴性。 After the accident, his right leg, some lame, with the attitude of uncertainty, but also to a hospital Tangdu HIV testing, results, or negative.
而且即使我听说这样,还是半信半疑的,怎么可能你这么小小的身体,能够装那么大的武器,然后控制我们大大的动物啊! Besides, I’m still skeptical about what I’ve heard. Your body is very small so how can you carry such a big weapon that allows you to control enormous animals like us?
她看着我,那种眼神就像我看我的外公一样,当他给我讲美国经济大萧条的时候——我虽然被故事深深吸引,但却是半信半疑。 She looked at me the way I used to look at my grandfather when he told stories of the Depression—with a mixture of fascination and incredulity.
前段时间在网上看bbs,话题大多是关于揭秘刘谦在春节联欢晚会上表演的魔术,当时我还半信半疑,当我看了之后,才明白。 Some time ago to see the web bbs, topics are on the Secret Liu Qian during the Lunar New Year Festival at the Magic show, I was skeptical about, when I looked after, they would understand.
我刚开始也是半信半疑,但是跟投资人接触后,觉得投资人很真诚,我理解的是:投资人并不是在投资,而是在扶助我,扶助灾区创业者。 I’m also confused at first, yet after contract with the investor, I find he is honest. I find that the investor is not just investing; instead, he is supporting me, entrepreneur after disaster.
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