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  The history books that express the past world in front of us are kinds of books I really like. I have not read a great number of history books but I enjoyed all of the History books that I have read so far.

  The history books are fact based books that describes the events, history and significant characters from the past of human timeline. This can be simply a book that depicts the earlier civilization of the world, can give details of the life a legendary characters like Alexander or can simply explains the reasons for a great catastrophic event like war in the past. Those events and characters come from our past history and are of great importance. Somewhere I heard that to build a good future, someone needs to learn the past. I totally agree with this statement as we have plenty of opportunity to learn from the past history of the world, our civilizations and ancestors.

  The History books that I read had helped me understanding a distant past and people of that time. History books always plat an important role to educate the people about the past and I greatly enjoyed reading about our history, how world was in the past, how different events of history had shaped the world and its geographical and political conditions. A simple event in the past had a great influence in the future and those history books are the evident of the past world that we have never seen.

  I like those kinds of books mostly because of the enthrallment I feel while learning about the history. I purely enjoy learning about our world and significant events of the world. Those books are great source of knowledge as well.


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  Describe a book you enjoyed reading.

  Describe your favourite book.

  Describe a book or movie set on future.

  Describe a fmaous book in your country.

  Describe a book you would like to read in the future.

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