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Chinese women"s volleyball team in the 1980s under the guidance of the Yuan Weimin, began to take off. In 1981, the 3rd World Cup held in Japan, the game uses a single round robin system, after seven and 28 games, the Chinese women"s volleyball team to victory gesture-seven overwhelm defending the host country, Japan, won the championship, become China three ball sports (soccer, basketball, volleyball) team in the first world champion. This result is exactly the 8th World Volleyball Championship in 1978, the Soviet women"s volleyball team defeated the Chinese women"s volleyball team"s score. In 1982, the Chinese women"s volleyball team to participate in the 9th World Volleyball Championship held in Peru in the preliminary round defeated the U.S. team once disk number zero to three, once fell into the outlet crisis coach Yuan Weimin, decisive choices for young players Liang Yan, Cheng Mei-chu, who replaced Zhou Xiaolan, Chen Zhaodi, the results of the Chinese women"s volleyball 3 to 0 win over Cuba, won a key battle to reverse the situation. Chinese women"s volleyball series of disc number three nil in straight sets defeat of Hungary, Cuba, the Soviet Union and the Australian team won the semi-final seat. In the semifinals, the Chinese women"s volleyball again disk number three to nil in straight sets defeat to former powerhouse Japan, while the rival U.S. team accidentally been eliminated by the host Peru. In the end, the Chinese women"s volleyball team in the final in three straight games win over the host country Peru, the FIVB World Championships for the first time. Although defeated in the 1983 Asian Championship finals in Japan, a period of adjustment of the Chinese women"s volleyball team is still the favorite for the Los Angeles Olympic Games. 1984, the Chinese women"s volleyball team participated in the Los Angeles Olympic Games held in Los Angeles, although the Chinese women"s volleyball team in the group stage to rival the United States team defeated subsequently rivet and the end, the Chinese women"s volleyball in the final in three straight games win over the host country the United States, reported, but the group stage the revenge of a lost, and the first Olympic gold medal, but also three consecutive Women"s Volleyball. Then two years, the Chinese women"s volleyball team won the 4th World Cup in 1985 and 1986 the 10th FIVB World Championships, the achievements of women"s volleyball team in the history of the first five consecutive medals. China in the early 1980s, it was a hundred things to be undertaken, the results of the women"s volleyball team to win three consecutive championships and five consecutive years of fighting spirit, the Chinese women"s volleyball has become a model and pride of the Chinese people, it is a symbol of China in the 1980s to take off.

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