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2. Well, here we are, back in Bighton, standing in front of our hotel.43. Today, we’re visiting new English friends of mine, who live here in Brighton.44. What?Today?45. Yes, today, honey, so – where was I? Right, they’re friends of mine.46. Their names are Peter and Rosie. Now, Peter’s a salesman.47. He works for a full company.7. And Rosie works at the American Embassy in London.8. …9. So they are very busy people, and it’s real sweet of themmake timesee us.0. We are very lucky.. Cansay something?2. ….3. 3.I wantgo play golf today, Deborah.4. You know what the weatherlike in England. Today it’s sunny, thereno rain.5. Ok, it’s damn cold, but still, it’s a great day for golf. So that’s whatwantdo today.6. Sure honey, but we’re seeing Peter and Rosie today. You can play golf tomorrow.7. I ca play golf tomorrow. The weather wo be like this tomorrow. It would probably rain.8. Well, itwinter. Honey. Even in the States it rains a lot in the winter.9. Yeah, well, in England it rains a lot in the spring, the summer, the fall and the winter.20. But it’s not raining today, so let’s go play golf, ok? Hey, I’ll tell you what.2. We can go play golf this afternoon, and we can still go see your friends in the evening.22. No, that wo work, I’m afraid.23. Why the hell not.24. Because I’m cooking dinner for us all.25. They’re inviting usdinner and you’re cooking it? It’s crazy.26. We’re cooking it, honey, just because I’m a woman.27. That does meanmust do all the cooking, now does it? Hey, will you look at us?28. Here we are, just standing in front of the hotel, talking.29. Let’s get going: we have a lot of shoppingdo!30. There’s a really good supermarket down this road, we can get everything we need there.3. …32. …33. Well, my ideato do something really typically American.34. Sothink I’ll make some Jambalaya.35. Jambalaya? But that’s southern food.

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