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蛇吃人 历史上有那些蟒蛇吃人事件?




北美洲蟒蛇袭人致死案例:1980年11月,达拉斯的1条2.6米的蟒蛇绞杀了7个月大的女婴:An escaped 8-foot python othered a seven-month old girl in her crib in Dallas,Texas in November 1980 -------------------------------------------------------------- 1982年内华达州的蟒蛇袭人至死事件:1个21个月大的男孩被网纹蟒杀死:McCarty et al.(1989) reviewed this 1982 death in The Journal of Forensic Science 34(1):A 21-month-old male was found dead in his crib.An escaped pet python snake (Python reticulatus) was found near the child on a cribside shelf.Autopsy findings included petechiae associated with asphyxial death plus puncture wounds consistent with the reptile"s teeth.This report details this 1982 death of a child in Reno,Nevada,and includes illustration of the reptile"s bite marks plus description of snake jaw mechanics in swallowing.------------------------------------------------------------- 1992年,在安大略1个28岁的男子被宠物蟒杀死:An unidentified pet python “strangled” a twenty-eight year old man in Brampton,Ontario in 1992 ------------------------------------------------------------- 1993年在科罗拉多,1条长3.7米重24公斤的名叫Sally的缅甸蟒缠死了1个43公斤重的15岁男孩:An 11-foot pet Burmese python by the name of Sally killed a 15-year-old boy in his bed in Commerce City,Colorado in 1993.The snake bit the boy on the right foot and apparently suffocated him.The fact that the boy’s fingers also were punctured and bleeding suggests that he tried to remove the snake from his foot.The snake weighed much less than the boy (24 vs.43 kg) and showed how strong these constrictors can be.------------------------------------------------------------- 1993年,在路易斯安那州,1个患高血压的男子在与一条5米多长名叫ebanezer的网纹蟒的撕打中死去(也可能死于心脏病):A man died in Jefferson Parish,Louisiana in 1993 after a fight with his pet 16-foot reticulated python named Ebanezer.The man was not constricted but may have died of a heart attack.He suffered from hypertension The man had snakebites on his arm and the snake had several knife wounds.A veterinarian treated the retic,which probably went to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans --------------------------------------------------------------- 1996年,纽约的19岁男青年被1条4米长20公斤重的缅甸蟒杀死:A 13-foot 20 kg Burmese python killed a 19-year-old man in The Bronx,New York in 1996.A neighbor found him in a hallway outside his apartment with the snake wrapped around him --------------------------------------------------------------- 1999年在伊利诺斯,1条2米半长的非洲蟒使1个3岁男孩窒息:A 7 1/2-foot African rock python suffocated a 3-year-old boy in Centralia,Illinois in 1999.The boy had compression marks around his chest and bite marks on his neck and ears.He was sleeping with an aunt and uncle near the snake’s aquarium at the time.------------------------------------------------------------- 2001年8月,宾夕法尼亚的1个8岁女孩被1条3米多长的缅甸蟒勒死:Just recently,a 10-foot Burmese python strangled an 8-year-old girl in Irwin,Pennsylvania in August 2001.She fell into a coma and was declared brain-dead two days later.-------------------------------------------------------------

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