

  bold vision

  enterprising outlook

  imposing attitude


  His picture lacks soul。

  他的画缺乏气魄。 With great verve

  很有气魄[热情]地That is the true gladiator feeling

  这是真正的斗士的气魄。I quickly formed a great respect and admiration for his soldierly qualities

  我对他的军人气魄甚表敬佩。Try some draught Guinness, it'll put hairs on your chest。

  尝尝桶装的黑啤酒,它会使你有男子汉的气魄的。The grottos emphasize the statues in their entirety and reveal their inner spirit and great strength。

  石窟整体感强,着力表现了含蓄、内在的气魄和力量。It is amazing that such a small piece of pottery can convey so much vigor and boldness。

  这样一件体量并不算大的陶塑,竟产生出非凡的气魄和雄强的力量感。In this squalid quarrel, what gives the heroes of the iliad their grandeur?

  在这场卑劣的争吵中,是什么给了《伊利亚特》里英雄人物那种宏伟的气魄呢?huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing, and the sublimity of his language


  adj。 大胆的.,无畏的;莽撞的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的;醒目的

  She is a bold piece。

  她是一个放荡的女人。 The Government resolved on a bold policy。

  政府决定采取大胆的政策。This is bold and exuberant cooking。


  n。 视力;看见;幻觉;幻想;目光

  v。 梦见,想象

  vision transmitter

  图像发射机 vision amplifier

  图像放大器 His vision is impaired。


  adj。 有事业心的,有进取心的;有魄力的

  She is a woman of great enterprise。

  她是一位事业心极强的女子。Many enterprises will be forced to close。

  很多家企业将被迫倒闭。 The project is funded by private enterprise。


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