健身房是城市里用来健身的场所 。一般而言,都有齐全的器械设备,有较全的健身及娱乐项目,有专业的教练进行指导 ,有良好的健身氛围。在健身房不仅能锻炼肌肉,让身材更有形,也能认识很多新朋友。那么,在国外去健身房的话,你还是要先学会一些常用的英语口语的哦。下面,跟着小编一起去学习吧。

  At they gym, you'll fid lots of equipment such as weight lifting machines, exercise bikes, ellipticals, and treadmills.


  Most health clubs also offer jogging tracks and areas for aerobics, as well as classes in fitness activities such as Zumba, or spinning classes. Most gyms offer changing rooms nowadays. Some even have whirlpools, steam rooms, and saunas to help you relax and unwind your muscles after a long hard workout.


  The important thing to remember when getting fit is that you need to be consistent. In other words, you'll need to go to the gym on a regular basis. Maybe three or four times a week. It's a good idea to do a wide range of exercises rather than focus on just one such as weight lifting. For example, do fifteen minutes of stretching and aerobics, combined with a half hour of bike riding and another fifteen minutes of weight lifting on two days of the week. On the other two, play some basketball, go jogging and use the elliptical. Varying your routine will help keep you coming back, as well as help keep your whole body fit.


  In the Gym Dialogue


  1. Hello, my name is Jane and I'd like to ask a few questions about getting fit.


  2. Hi, Jane. What can I do for you?


  1. I need to get in shape.


  2. Well, you've come to the right place. Have you been doing any exercise lately?


  1. I'm afraid not.


  2. OK. We'll start off slow. Which type of exercise do you enjoy doing?


  1. I like doing aerobics, but I hate jogging. I don't mind doing some weight-lifting, though.


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