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the points are clearly visible to the audience . you have used bullet points for important information and expand on it while presenting instead OS Ing


you used your slides to emphasize what you ' re saying . the power point is there to add to your presentation . when a visual came up,That gave the


the charts helped you explain a concept in detail . this way,Your presentation is more interesting as people don ' t like reading through lots of


you have involved the audience in your presentation . you talk to the audience with the intention to explain your topic to them-not just to rean Is wis


you found ways to inspire your audience . you want to give them an emotional connection to the material you are presenting . this will make them enthusial


the structure of your presentation is clear . all of your work was laid out by the logical and well-organized presentation structure。

the introduction part hooked the audience and you introduced the main points。

You used specific examples,facts,stories,and data to help illustrate your point in body part。

you have made a good transition between slides . on the conclusion part,you wrapped up your presentation with summarizing your main point







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  • 【怎么评价他人的ppt】梦行云南,留在心里吧!大家如何评价这个PPT?


怎么评价他人的ppt相关介绍,全文长度为2000字,阅读大约需要2.5分钟 PowerPoint能制作容易学习、强大、资源丰富、内容丰富、表现力强、用户交互的电子幻灯片,使PPT在教育领域得到了越来越广泛的应用。 PPT课件是利用...


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  • 【怎么评价他人的ppt】这10种称赞法使你成为公司最受欢迎的人。
  • 【怎么评价他人的ppt】这10种称赞法使你成为公司最受欢迎的人。


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  • 【怎么评价他人的ppt】你知道如何“赞美”别人吗?三句话,让你大受欢迎!


怎么评价他人的ppt相关介绍,信噪比,即信号和噪音的比率。 例如,在听收音机的时候,想听的声音是清晰的,没有杂音的,即高信噪比。(约翰肯尼迪)。 评价一份PPT是好是坏,往往是“公婆各有道理”,可以借用信噪比的概念,制作信噪比分数...



怎么评价他人的ppt相关介绍,很多时候,我们在称赞别人上投入很大的热情,对别人说“你很聪明”或“你很伟大”,但很少得到期待的反馈,甚至是对方无知或鄙视的脸。(伯纳德肖,SOLA)那么,如何称赞他的人才是正确的开放方式呢? 首先,普...


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