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The Sui Dynasty is a relatively short era in Chinese history, but this era has an important historical position and has a great influence on the development of history. The Sui Dynasty ran from 581 AD to 618 AD, and enjoyed the country for 38 years. It only experienced two emperors, Emperor Wen Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian and Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang. Although the Sui Dynasty only existed for 38 years, the Sui Dynasty ended the 300-year-long split of China since the Western Jin Dynasty, and maintained the unity of the Sui Dynasty for many centuries. The Sui Dynasty was political and cultural. The changes have had a greater impact.



The founding emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen of Sui, Yang Jian, advocated frugality, abolished some unnecessary taxes and set up grain storage to store grain, which greatly guaranteed the amount of grain held by the country, so that the country can be faster in the face of some natural disasters. Of governance disasters. In politics, Emperor Wen of Sui took many measures conducive to the consolidation of the political power, further strengthened the centralization of power, and further improved the emperor's power. In terms of economy, following the Northern Wei Dynasty's equalization system, Dingnan was divided into 80 acres of land and 20 acres of Yongye land. Women were divided into 40 acres, and corvee and levies were reduced, which greatly reduced the pressure on the people at that time and enabled the social economy to recover better after the 300-year war. At the same time, Emperor Wen of the Sui drew lessons from the powerful military forces of the Turks in the late Southern and Northern Dynasties, as well as their behaviors of harassing the Northern Zhou and Northern Qi from time to time, attacked the Turks, adopted the strategy of division and division, urged the Turks to be divided into two parts, fighting with each other, and solved the problem of the northern Sui Dynasty. . The further strengthening of military strength has put the country and people in an era of peace.


Academics also developed well in the Sui Dynasty. Emperor Wen advocated culture and education and sought books. The number of secretaries was greatly reduced due to years of war. In order to find these books, Emperor Wen issued an edict and paid a huge price in exchange for many books. The collection of books made the Sui Dynasty's collection of more than 30,000 volumes, which greatly strengthened the world's inheritance of the knowledge of the ancestors. In order to recruit talents from all over the world, Emperor Wen of the Sui abolished the nine-rank Zhongzheng system in the late Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and adopted the method of divisional examinations to select talents so that ordinary people can also become officials. The sprout of the imperial examination system, which has influenced China for two thousand years, was born here, and the rites and music that collapsed in the Wei and Jin Dynasties were gradually formulated in this process, restoring the orthodox status of Chinese culture.



However, his successor was so happy that he launched wars many times and summoned a large number of people to build the Grand Canal, which greatly reduced the national power of the Sui Dynasty and finally led to the demise of the Sui Dynasty.



In one respect, the Qin Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty have a high degree of similarity. First, the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries and established a relatively complete centralized political system. This system was continued by the Han Dynasty, enabling the Han Dynasty to last for a hundred years; the Sui Dynasty unified the Northern and Southern Dynasties and ended the 300-year history of the Central Plains. It was split and established the system of San Gong and Jiu Qing, which was used by many later dynasties, and the Tang Dynasty also continued the system of many Sui dynasties. Second, the founding kings of these two dynasties can be said to be eternal kings. Both Emperor Qin Shihuang and Emperor Wen of Sui created new systems, which had a great influence on Chinese history and changed the course of Chinese history. Third, they all built magnificent buildings. Qin Shihuang ordered the construction of the Great Wall, which is of great significance for the Chinese nation to resist foreign aggression. The Grand Canal, which was ordered by Emperor Sui Yang to build more than 1,000 kilometers, is still our inland river. The main transportation route connects the north and south water conservancy, which greatly improves the economy and transportation. Fourth, the two dynasties died in the second generation, and the successors did not have enough ability to control the kingdom, and both were too self-centered and self-centered. Moreover, after these two dynasties there was a powerful dynasty, which almost inherited and improved the system established by the Qin and Sui dynasties.












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