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英文名称:Republic of China five years one cent copper coin







英文翻译:Copper coins are the major category of coin collection. They have always been paid attention to by many collectors. Different types of copper coins have a unique flavor, which is worth collectors' deep taste. In the online transaction of coins, these ancient copper coins are highly favored and become the focus of many buyers. The founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China is one of the most important categories in the research of copper dollar collection, and it can even be said to be the main variety of copper dollar in the Republic of China.

In February of the sixth year of the Republic of China (1917), Tianjin Mint General Factory issued three kinds of copper coins, two, one and five cents, indicating the price comparison with silver yuan, according to the provisions of the National Coin Regulations. The composition and weight of the coins were all processed according to the National Coin Regulations.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Republic of China five years one cent copper coin

Republic of China Five Years One Cent Copper Coin

Specification: One piece

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: Collection level

There is a round hole in the center of this copper coin to make it different from the old copper coins. In the center of the front side is a period character and a curved coil. The upper margin has a period character, and the lower margin has a character related to the conversion of silver coins. As the national legal tender, the coins are planned to be circulated and used throughout the country. At the beginning of the issue, the banks were still willing to accept, but the folk block, so the circulation is not wide.

On the back of Jiahe grain, Jiahe ", the United States, strong he, the great he, auspicious he also. The Eastern Han Dynasty Xu Shen "said the text" cloud: "Wo, jia gu also. In February and planted, August began to ripe, in time, it is called Wo." Wang Chong "on balance, speak Ruiji" cloud: "Jiahe was born in Wo, and Wo different ear, that is Jiahe." The ancients to "Jiahe" for the auspicious things, and Ganlu Liquan said. Such as Ban Gu "Book of Han · Gongsun Hong" cloud: "dew drop, wind and rain, Jiahexing." That is, the growth of particularly strong rice, the ancients as Jiahe pattern for the symbol of good luck.

Main reason is that local warlords resisted to protect their own interests, still with the old mold decent, at the same time a large number of production double copper coin (20) when the profit, and beiyang government due to a lack of enough authority to maintain in the political turmoil, coupled with early casting quantity is less, so didn't replace the old copper coin, distribution, existing the little, precious!










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