






from bojack horseman : ' when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses,all the red flags just look liks



if she ' s always on her phone when you see her but takes hours to reply to your texts,she's not interested,bro






-You can't control your partner.

Your partner will do things you don't want them to, you just have to decide what's a deal breaker.

-This one's really important, but requires a certain level of maturity and security.


爱情里底线真的很重要。英文中,a red line的字面意思是“红色警戒线”,引申为“不可触碰的底线”。Cross the red line意为“触碰底线”。此外,“底线”还可以用bottom line,baseline来表示。


While you absolutely don't want a one-sided relationship as a whole, you don't have to be perfectly fair for everything. Things like who drives more or who pays more or who plans what to do or who initiates intimacy can be skewed to one side.

A good relationship should be split 60/40, with both people trying to be the 60.



这位歪果仁提到的one-sided既可以表示片面的,也可以表示单方面的。若想表示单方面的感情、单相思,英文可以用unrequited passion 或lovelorn (害相思病的)来表示。


You can have anything you want.... you can't have everything you want - My Father





You don't owe anyone a date/relationship. Yes, s/he may be a nice person, but if you're not attracted to them, you're not attracted to them. Nice isn't enough.

A breakup is not a negotiation, and you can break up with someone for any reason at any time. Don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

Exercise a lot of caution around someone who has an extensive list of people who have wronged them. It won't be long until you're added to it.


If your family and friends are telling you it's an unhealthy/bad relationship, you should listen.









It's a numbers game, and the best way to succeed is to learn to give and take rejection well.

A lot of dating is just ice cream and spaghetti situations, they are both delicious, but not necessarily together. Maybe ice cream needs hot fudge and spaghetti needs meatballs.

In other words, don't stick around if you get the feeling things aren't right for you, you don't need a big reason to leave -- lots of people are great, just not as a partner for you. Be direct and polite letting someone go, but that is really all you are responsible for. They may beg you for a "reason," but most of the time, like I said, there really isn't one. Ice cream and spaghetti.

By the same logic, learn to see people deciding not to keep seeing you as not necessarily personal.



"Don't beat around the bush and try to win a girl over with subtle hints, just go tell her you like her. Even if she says "no", she will still respect you above all the other men who don't have the balls to approach her." - Cousin


这位歪果仁提到的表达beat around the bush很形象~Beat指“拍打”,bush为“灌木丛”。打猎时,猎手们为了让灌木丛中的动物跑出来,就用棍子在灌木丛旁边敲击,动物受到惊吓后就跑了出来,这样就方便猎人狩猎了。后来这个习语被引申为“拐弯抹角、闪烁其词、说话绕圈子”等意思。


Be yourself. If it doesn't work for them, it won't work for you in the long run, either.



Don't worry about dating until you're content alone. If you're looking to date just to be with someone, you probably shouldn't be looking to date. You should want to be with that person, not just be with a person. Goes doubly if you're recently out of a relationship.





【福利】中高考特辑上架啦!一本在手,考试无忧!爆款随时可能断货,戳这里进入商城开抢啦~ 今年要过一个不一样的暑假,戳这里多款国际游学项目惊艳你的整个夏天!


