


Paul Hackshaw Follow


achieve every man ' s wet dream of having an Asian wife

they look after their figures and shape and rarely get fat

lone liness is decreased or eradicated

they are usually not assertive or aggressive or trying to compete with men

they know how to act and stay feminine .



Language barrier and communication. unless she is a fluent English speaker there may be gaps in communication, or she may not know how to express herself. Things go unsaid or you miss the cues. Likewise if you dont speak Japanese well she is forced to use a second language all the time.
Japanese people are not overtly religious or devout. Nominally they are Buddhist and Shinto but there are few signs of abiding faith or actually believing in anything.
Younger ones esp millenials often have no idea how to cook,maybe just how to heat things up in the microwave.
A majority of Japanese marriages are sexless. Expect things to cool down in the bedroom.
Many wives control the family budget and give their husband an allowance. This is a foreign and alien concept to Western men.

Children will sleep in the marital bed from birth onwards up until elementary school. Leaving a baby alone in a cot in another room is not done here.
If you have kids there is 99% chance she will quit work and not return to full employment. Be prepared to support a non-working or part time working wife and kids.
Some women, I have read, are bat shit crazy. Mental illness is often not treated here, so you might get someone who is depressed, paranoid, OCD, physically or emotionally abusive.
many dont travel well and have a hard time if living overseas for long periods, and will want to return to Japan or live there long term.

George Sawyer Follow
What are the pros and cons of having a Japanese wife or girlfriend? Unless one of you is truly fluent in the other’s language, you will have communication problems forever.
Broad cultural generalizations:
1.Many people think Japanese women are submissive. Outwardly, they may be. They are as soft as silk, but the silk is wrapped around steel. Yin can overcome yang, and likely they will rule you. They will do it so gradually, and so gracefully you likely won’t notice for a long time.
2.FYI, in Japanese marriages, usually the women control all the money, all the spending, they give the husband his allowance.
3.Often a Japanese woman will choose a foreign husband as a way to leave Japan. Often a foreign man will choose a Japanese wife as a way to stay in Japan.
4.If you are married and living outside Japan, when your first child is born, one day your wife will be holding your child and will realize that unless your family lives in Japan your child will never be able to speak to their Japanese grandparents in Japanese. This often triggers a family move back to Japan.

有一个日本妻子或女友的利与弊是什么? 除非你们中的一个真的能流利地使用另一个人的语言,否则你们将永远有沟通问题。
JE Cook Follow
In a general sense, YMMV, Japanese girlfriends are wonderful for men who like attention, sexual fulfillment, planner, and fun. They are bad for men who are looking for a relationship equal, intellectually challenging partner, or a potential wife that remains the same as the ‘wonderful’ list. Pros of a Japanese wife are: household management, child care (if you have children with them), and they will let you have all the hobbies you want. Cons: They will want to return to Japan once they have children, you will become an income source for the household even more so with children in the house, you may feel betrayed by the significant behavioral change from girlfriend to wife, her family matters only and yours is tolerated / avoided, if you have children she views them as her exclusive property, not your children together and will likely slowly alienate them from you over time. Child abduction in Japan, or to Japan, is not an enforced crime. If / when she takes the children to Japan, they are gone forever and you will be erased from their lives.

一般来说,你的期望可能和现实不符,日本女友对于喜欢受到关注、性满足、有规划和乐趣的男人来说非常棒。对于那些想要找一个平等的、智力上对等的伴侣,或者想要一个与“完美”女友相同的潜在妻子的男人来说,她们是不好的。日本妻子的优点是: 料理家务,照顾孩子(如果你和她们有孩子的话),她们会让你拥有所有你想要的爱好。缺点: 一旦她们有了孩子,她们就会想要回到日本,你会成为家庭的收入来源,有了孩子以后更是如此,你可能会因为从女朋友到妻子的行为变化而感到背叛,她的家庭更重要,你的家庭是可以被容忍/忽视的,如果你有孩子,她会把他们视为她的专属财产,而不是你的孩子,随着时间的推移,可能会慢慢疏远他们。在日本,或者到日本诱拐儿童,不算实施犯罪。如果她带孩子们去日本,他们就永远消失了,你也会从他们的生活中被抹去。
The cultural training of woman in Japan has them fall in 3–4 roles that are mutually exclusive to the others. Girlfriend: carefree, intellectually inferior (not dumb, just subordinate) sexually active, beauty focused. Wife: serious, controlling, sexually restrained, trying to become ’mother’. Mother: matriarch and practical head of household, child enmeshed, sexually frigid, distant from husband. Old woman: child focused, vacation minded, trying to become grandma, waiting for grandpa to pass away to start ‘living’.
These are simple generalizations and miss the nuances that are part of any relationship. it is important to note that Japanese women tend to view marriage as a partnership or joint venture, not ‘love’ as many in the west do. ‘Love’ dies after children. You may love her immensely, but she won’t ‘love’ you back in any way you recognize from before.

在日本,对女性的文化培训让她们扮演着3-4个相互排斥的角色。女友: 无忧无虑,智力低下(不是愚蠢,只是很顺从),性活跃,注重美貌。妻子: 认真、有控制欲、性克制,试图成为“母亲”。母亲: 女家长和实际的一家之主,孩子纠缠不清,性冷淡,与丈夫疏远。老妇人: 专注孩子,享受退休生活,努力成为奶奶,等待爷爷去世开始“新生活”。
Brian Burnside Follow
It is no picnic. I've been married to my wife for almost 25 years. I love her to death.
It doesn't matter if your wife is Japanese or American or European or whatever. They are first and foremost woman. They have wants and needs. Second, you married them because you loved them.
Japanese women can and do cheat like women from any other country. Actively love them and they will treat you well.
Don't seek a japanese wife unless you know the language and the culture. I had lived in Japan for a number of years and spoke Japanese. That said, I never dated a japanese woman in Japan. I met my wife in college through a blind date.
We eventually got married and had 4 wonderful kids together.
The challenges are that she will want to return to Japan from time to time. This costs a lot of money. Be prepared financially for this so it doesn’t affect your relationship.

They generally have a different view on religion. If she cooks, she is going to do a lot of Japanese dishes. Great if you like Japanese cuisine, not so great if you don’t.
Then kids will have dual citizenship and you will need to get both Japanese and American passports.. not cheap.
If you don’t speak Japanese, you won’t be able to eavesdrop on her conversations. couples that speak each others language always eavesdrop. I speak Japanese, so it is no issue. Her friends will be Japanese as well. And they will speak in Japanese. If you don’t speak Japanese, then you won’t be part of the conversation. And you complaining about it is just selfish on your part. She put the effort in to learn English, you should have no complaints if you are too lazy to learn Japanese.
Then there are the creature comforts she will want from Japan. Clothing, Kotatsu, Food, Futon, Manga, etc. Not cheap in the U.S..
I don’t mind the expense at all. I love my wife and like to treat her to nice things.

I live for her hugs and kisses. I am 6′ and she is like 4′9″. A serious height difference, but she is awesome. That means she puts a lot of things down low and I can’t find them a lot of the time…
And then there are the visa issues. Getting the green card and what not.
Most American-Japanese marriages end in divorce. I don’t recommend dating outside your culture unless you are willing to put in the effort to learn it.


1.《日本象征爱情的花是什么 象征爱情和友谊的花是什么花》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

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