
吉野家的“牛角”标志是由吉野家创办人松田荣吉设计,以“橙色”作为主色,由1899年沿用至今一直保持不变。“牛角”的标志是取自吉野家英文名称 Yoshinoya的“Y”字而成;而围绕着“牛角”的绳状则是日本相扑中“横纲”级的代表,“横纲”亦即是相扑中的冠军,象征吉野家的食品是“横纲” (即冠军) 级产品。外围的绳状由27粒米组成 ,即代表饭。因此整个标志的意思是Yoshinoya(吉野家)售卖“最好的牛肉饭”。


History and Pride of Yoshinoya

Yoshinoya’s roots date back to 1899 when a family-run shop opened in the fish market that existed in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. For 117 years since that time, Yoshinoya has worked to hone its capabilities around its motto of providing “tasty, cheap and fast” goods and services.

The phrase “Tasty, cheap and fast” forms the foundation of Yoshinoya’s pride and values that the company has embodied and will embrace in the years to come. On another front, Yoshinoya is aware of the need to respond to changes of the times and customers’ needs to continue to meet their expectations.

Working to “Becoming No.1 in food services”

Yoshinoya set its targets for the three years from FY2016 as “Becoming No. 1 in food services” and “transition of business model and shop format.” We at Yoshinoya will seek to raise the quality of our customers’ experience in our locations and enhance the degree of their satisfaction.

To open up into new phases, each of our employees needs to think for themselves and take up the challenge without a moment’s hesitation. With this in mind, we chose the phase, “Power Play” to define our theme over the next three years. Needless to say, the goal of “Power Play” is to bring satisfaction to our customers. We will commit the energy of the entire company to promptly translate individual ideas into action and step up our efforts to refine our capabilities to further improve our shops and services.

Tsukiji Store #1

Drive-through restaurant



