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【hongqi】每日新闻广播(August 26)


Iceland's 1st lost glacier


Rip,ok jokull glacier . Iceland on Sunday honors the passing of okjokull,as scientists warn that some 400 others on the sub arctic island 18日科学家警告说,北极附近的这个岛上约有400条冰川面临着同样的命运。

with a theme of fighting climate change,about 100 ice landers have said farewell to what once was a glacier。约100名冰岛人参加了为这片消失的冰川举行的告别仪式,主题是应对气候

scientists said it was the first of Iceland ' s glaciers to disappear because of climate change。科学家们说冰岛是因气候变化而消失的第一个冰川。

About 100 years ago,the glacier covered almost 6 square miles of a mountainside in western Iceland and measured more than 160 feet thick。大约一百

a plaque has been installed at the site of the former glacier,which reads : ' in the next 200 years,All our glaciers are expected to foor' You know if we did it . '人们在这块冰川所在的地方建了纪念碑。未来200年,所有冰川都将随之而来。这座纪念碑的建立是为了承认我们知道正在发生什么,应该做什么。只有你知道我们是否做到了。' '

the plaque bears the inscription ' a letter to the future,' and is intended to raise awareness about the decline of glaciers and the effects


Some store more bad memories


depression-prone people may naturally form and store more negative memories than others,that are just waiting to be triggered by conflict新的研究表明,易患抑郁症的人自然比其他人能形成和储存更多的负面记忆,这些记忆正等待着被矛盾触发。

researchers from mcgill units studying mice that were more susceptible to depression found they stored more units of bad memories in their brairies

people who are depressed can hardly help

but to see everything - past memories and present experiences alike - in a negative light, and scientists hope that finding differences in how their brains store information on a cellular level may explain why.患上抑郁症的人会不由自主地负面看待所有事物,无论是过去的记忆还是现在的经历,科学家希望从抑郁症患者大脑细胞层面储存信息的差异中发现线索,这或能解释为什么他们会有这种表现。

A tourist tastes kimchi, a type of spicy cabbage, at Hongqi Village of Antu County in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Northeast China's Jilin Province, April 16, 2019. [Photo]

>Kimchi cures baldness?


It is known for helping maintain a healthy gut, but now scientists have found kimchi could be used to reverse hair loss.


The South Korean dish of fermented cabbage, onions, garlic, fish sauce and spices is already popular with health-conscious consumers and known for its probiotic qualities.


But research shows a kimchi drink sold in South Korea helps thicken existing hairs and grow new ones within weeks.


Researchers at Dankook University near Seoul studied 23 men, some in the early stages of hair loss and others visibly thinning on top.


They were told to have a kimchi drink before breakfast and at bedtime.


After a month, the average number of hairs had risen from about 85 per sq cm of scalp to 90, and then 92 after four months of drinking the liquid.


The scientists said this was a significant increase that appeared to have reversed hair loss in most of the men.


In a report on the findings, published in the World Journal of Men's Health, the researchers said: "Current drugs can have adverse effects so their use is usually temporary. We found kimchi could promote hair growth and reverse baldness. It is a safer treatment strategy for patients."


Researchers drill ice cores in the Arctic as part of an 18-day icebreaker expedition taking place in July and August 2019 in the Northwest Passage, in a still image taken from a handout video obtained by REUTERS on August 14, 2019. [Photo/REUTERS]

>Plastic waste in Arctic


An abundance of tiny plastic particles have been found in ice cores drilled in the Arctic by a US-led team of scientists, underscoring the threat the growing form of pollution poses to marine life in even the remotest waters on the planet.


The researchers think microplastics are being blown about by winds and then transported long distances through the atmosphere.


The particles are then "washed" out of the atmosphere through precipitation, particularly snow. The discovery is especially disturbing because, according to the study, "the Arctic is still widely conceived as one of the last pristine environments on the globe."这一发现令人非常不安,因为根据研究,"北极仍然被广泛认为是地球上最后的原始环境之一。"

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