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1.look forward to.期待.

* I look forward to seeing your face one day。期待有一天能看到大家的脸。

*I look forward to speaking English fluently one day.我期待有一天我会流利说英语。

*I look forward to learning English as soon as possible 我期待我能尽快学会英语。

*I'm looking forward to making a lot of money early to invite everyone to dinner. 我期待着我早点赚大钱好请大家吃饭。

*We look forward to a better and better day,我们期待日子过得越来越好。

*I look forward to having a kind mother-in-law in the future。我期待我的未来的婆婆是和蔼慈祥的。

*I look forward to traveling abroad one day。我期待有一天可以出国旅游。

*I look forward to going to the moon. 我期待去月球。

*I look forward to having a healthy and happily family.我期待我们一家人都健康快乐。

*I am looking forward to dancing with aliens。我期待能够跟外星人跳舞。

*I look forward to the healthy growth of children。我期待孩子们健康成长。

* I look forward to the day when I can go abroad by myself.我期待有一天我可以自己出国。

*I look forward to seeing you all joining into level 2.我期待你们都可以进入二级。

*I look forward to accompanying with you to learn English together all the time.我期待和你们一直一起学习英语。

*I look forward to flying away with you one day 我期待有一天和你远走高飞.

*I look forward to getting younger every day.我期待我一天比一天年轻。

*I look forward to an early end to the epidemic我期待疫情早点结束。

*I look forward to this QQ group never to being disband. 我期待着这个QQ群永远不解散。

*I look forward to being passionate about life all the time. 我期待对生活一直充满热情。

2. When it comes to…当说到……

*When it comes to family, we all feel warm.当说到家庭的时候,我们都感觉很温暖。

It’s especially sad when it comes to parting。当说到离别时特别伤感。

*When it comes to hope, we all have a twinkle in our eyes。当说到希望时,我们眼里都泛着光。

*When it comes to the next sentence, I get stuck. 当说到下一句的时候,我卡词了。

*when it comes to the past,I can not help crying,说到过去,我忍不住泪流满面。

*When it comes to form the training camp being over,I feel a little sad.当说到结营的时候,我有一点失落。

*When it comes to interests and hobbies, everyone is comfortable with each other当说到兴趣爱好时,大家各舒己见。

*when it comes to the future,I look forward to it.当说到未来时,我们都很期待。

*When it comes to makingmoney, we all feel happy。当说到赚钱的时候,我们大家都很开心。

*When it comes to topics that interest me, I am very excited. 当谈到我感兴趣的话题时,我非常激动。

*When it comes to going to the level 2, I am full of anticipation.当说到要进二级时我满怀期待。

*When it comes to starting a business, we are all passionate。当说到创业时,我们都激情澎湃。

*When it comes to you all being afraid to speak English, I’m in a hurry.当说到你们不敢开口说英语时,我很着急

*When it comes to you daring to speak out and talk about English, I am proud of you.


*when it comes to stocks,I am very nervous.说到股票我就很忐忑.

*When it comes to ghosts, I tremble with fear。当说到鬼时,我害怕得颤抖。

*When it comes to toys,The babies’s eyes lit up.当说到玩具的时候,宝贝们的眼睛亮了。

*When it comes to delicious food, I drool.当说到美食时,我流口水了。

*When it comes to camping, I miss the time we are together.当说到结营时,很怀念我们在一起的时光

*When it comes to the end of the training camp, I can't help but tears.当说到这期训练营就要结束的时候,我不由得泪如雨下。









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