2016年4月22日,Misha正式宣布Penfolds和Wolf Blass这两个品牌部分产品成为中国大陆官方进口商和餐饮及酒店渠道分销商之一。



奔富及纷赋隶属于世界酒业巨头——富邑集团(Treasury Wine Estates),堪称中国市场上最知名的澳洲葡萄酒品牌,ASC曾代理包括奔富系列全系列产品在内的多个富邑集团品牌,但富邑集团在2015年决定与中国数家代理商合作,共同推广富邑集团旗下品牌,而ASC将独家负责富邑集团多个品牌在餐饮渠道的推广及销售。

富邑集团不久前更是选择与中粮名庄荟联合推出了奔富麦克斯Max‘s 系列产品。原禾富(现名纷赋)品牌也选择与张裕独家合作鹰标(Eaglehawk)系列产品。对中国市场可谓野心勃勃。

ASC精品酒业CEO Bruno Baudry 对此事件发表了评论:“ASC精品酒业在过去几年与富邑葡萄酒集团合作愉快,我们尊重富邑的选择,并预祝他们在未来取得成功。”

“ASC Fine Wines has enjoyed its relationship with TWE over the last few years. We respect their decision and in the best interest of the wine industry, we wish them success.”



“In 1999 we founded Summergate with a vision to build markets across China together with the world’s leading wine producers. We’ve seen this vision come to life in the past few years, as the consumer market for wine evolves, and our brand partners achieve greater and greater visibility and demand with us,” commented Ian Ford, Summergate Co-Founder and CEO. “Right now we are witnessing a consolidation in the market place, and Summergate is in an increasingly strong position to serve our loyal customers with some of the world’s greatest wines. Penfolds and Wolf Blass are a tremendous addition to our portfolio.”

In recent times, China’s bottled wine imports have grown significantly, with the China Customs Bureau reporting a 44% increase in total volume of imports in 2015.Wine from Australia led the way with a total growth rate of just under 57% over the year.

Summergate, one of the leading importers of wine into China, outpaced the industry with a growth rate in shipments of close to 67% in 2015. It wasrecently announced by Wine Australia that China has over taken the United Kingdom to become the number two market in value worldwide for Australian wine.

“Penfolds and Wolf Blassare cornerstones of the Treasury Wine Estates portfolio and two of the most well known and most highly awarded Australian wine brands in the world,” said Robert Foye, President and Managing Director – Asia, Treasury Wine Estates. “We are immensely proud of the growing presence of Penfolds and Wolf Blass amongst wine collectors and consumers around the world, and look forward to partnering with Summergate to bring these wines to more Chinese consumers.”

“China is an incredibly important market for Treasury Wine Estates and our wine brands,” said Peter Dixon, General Manager - North Asia, Treasury Wine Estates. “With the growing appetite for premium wines as part of the modern Chinese lifestyle, Penfolds and Wolf Blass are superbly positioned to establish themselves as the wines ofchoice for Chinese consumers, especially in the restaurant and hotel environment. We are confident our partnership with Summergate will help developthese brands into leaders within the on-premise wine category.”

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