近日,美国联邦调查局(FBI)前翻译西贝尔·埃德蒙兹(Sibel Edmonds)2015年的一段涉疆采访视频曝光,她在采访中明目张胆地说出了美国的阴谋。
We want to gradually, by playing the gender card and the race card internally, well, for that part of the world to play the minority without land, we're going to help them, they are being oppressed, Chinese gunning them down and torturing them.
你将会看到,类似在乌克兰上演过的那些元素将再度出现。要让新疆成为下一个台湾。You're going to see similar elements that we have been seeing, let's say, with Ukraine. Xinjiang is going to be the next Taiwan, OK?
We never cared about people. Sorry. That's not within the interest area, unless it can be utilized, capitalized upon to get our objective...
可惜99%的人,就连《纽约时报》都是带着倾向报道新疆的。但其实不是的,从来都不是那样的。Unfortunately, 99% of people, even though New York Times, with its own tilt, covered it. But it's not. It's never been the case.中国政府的说法,比《纽约时报》听信土耳其人的那个说法要靠谱得多。So the Chinese government's version of the story, is much closer than when the New York Times takes the version of the Turkish side.
我一直在关注他们如何应对,如何处理……他们在商业利益方面逻辑太清晰了。When I keep looking at how they respond things, how they handle it...They are so logical, in terms of business interest...他们处理得非常巧妙,西方国家很难抛出诱饵说“咬钩吧”。他们看透了这个局的本质,不会中计的。They are handling it very smartly and it will be hard for the Western powers to try to throw the bait and say,"Ok, bite it." They know what the game's about. And they are not about to bite.
1.《FBI前员工6年前就抖出美乱疆阴谋 赞叹中国应对巧妙 这意味着什么?》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。
2.《FBI前员工6年前就抖出美乱疆阴谋 赞叹中国应对巧妙 这意味着什么?》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。