今日热词| “低调”“高调”用英语怎么说?文章配图



1. keep a low profile 保持低调

As the fans of the visiting team, it is better to keep a low profile when you watch the game. 作为客队球迷,在观看比赛的时候最好保持低调。

As the fans of the visiting team, it is better to keep a low profile when you watch the game. 作为客队球迷,在观看比赛的时候最好保持低调。

2. low-key 低调的,有节制的

This issue should be tackled in a low-key way. 这个问题应该被低调地解决。

This issue should be tackled in a low-key way. 这个问题应该被低调地解决。

3. understated 低调的,简朴的,不惹眼的

The professor will not accept the interview because he is a serious and understated man. 教授不会接受采访的,因为他是个严肃低调的人。

The professor will not accept the interview because he is a serious and understated man. 教授不会接受采访的,因为他是个严肃低调的人。

4. inconspicuous 不显眼的,不引人注意的

Windy sits in the back row and tries to be inconspicuous. 温蒂坐在后排,尽量地不引起别人注意。

Windy sits in the back row and tries to be inconspicuous. 温蒂坐在后排,尽量地不引起别人注意。


1. high-profile 高调的,备受瞩目的

He is a high-profile film star who always attracts public concern. 他是一个经常引起公众注意的高调的电影明星。

He is a high-profile film star who always attracts public concern. 他是一个经常引起公众注意的高调的电影明星。

2. ostentatious 张扬的,铺张的,喜欢摆阔的

Bobby shows his new iPhone to us in an ostentatious way. 鲍勃夸耀地向我们展示了他的新iPhone。

Bobby shows his new iPhone to us in an ostentatious way. 鲍勃夸耀地向我们展示了他的新iPhone。

3. pretentious 炫耀的,做作的,自命不凡的

Nobody appreciates his pretentious attitude. 没有人欣赏他那自命不凡的态度。

Nobody appreciates his pretentious attitude. 没有人欣赏他那自命不凡的态度。


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