老兵遇国际象棋 老兵

国际象棋大赛网络直播 2002年国际象棋奥林匹克团体赛会歌 ——老兵 译ChessBlack and White checkerboards are what we play on.Your Queen and my King can’t meet that’s for sure.It’s your move. And my move will open the door.Closer and closer, your Knight took my Pawn.You're moving one way and I'm planning my way.Trying to get to your Queen but it’s tough!Right and left! Tick tock! This game is getting rougher.You took my queen. Hey! I think that’s enough!This game is fun so come on let’s all play now.It doesn't matter who’s better or worse.Each game plan is what makes this game so coolPull up a chair, set your men and we'll duel.This game is fun so come on let’s all play now.It doesn't matter who’s better or worse.Each game plan is what makes this game so coolPull up a chair, set your men and we’ll duel.Chess!I took your castle and you took my bishop. Trying to checkmate your goal and my talk. Your king is running and I'm getting closerI don't look. Now, my king’s running too!This game is fun so come on let’s all play now.It doesn’t matter who’s better or worse.Each game plan is what makes this game so coolPull up a chair, set your men and we’ll duel.This game is fun so come on let’s all play now.It doesn’t matter who’s better or worse.Each game plan is what makes this game so coolPull up a chair, set your men and we’ll duel.Chess! 我们在黑白格的棋枰上鏖兵,你的后我的王注定不能相逢。你调兵我遣将都想旗开得胜,短兵相接,马踏敌营,你明修栈道,我暗渡陈仓咱各显其能。设陷阱捉你后未能得逞。左右为难读秒声声,拚杀惨烈绝处寻生。你擒了我的后,咳!我想这下我一定要玩命。这项游戏还真是趣味无穷,让我们都来对局中!乐融融哪管它谁输谁赢。这是一项因我们的计谋而显得更加“酷”的运动,各就位摆好子,让我们一决雌雄!我吃你的车,你杀我的象,将死对方才是我们的真心内容。你逃国王我追杀,匆忙中,我的国君也落得疲于奔命。这项游戏还真是趣味无穷,让我们都来对局中!乐融融哪管它谁输谁赢。这是一项因我们的谋略而显得更加“时尚”的运动,各就位摆好子,让我们再决雌雄!将军!(不许动) 棋后斯特凡诺娃 棋后科斯坚纽克 老棋王卡尔波夫 叶江川老师 棋后谢军 棋后诸宸 棋后许昱华 棋后侯逸凡 棋后谭中怡 棋后局文君 一不小心就混成了国际级教练员 徐家亮老师 张连城老师 林峰老师 从军21年转业到河北大学。 老兵乃我军第一支数字化部队中校工程师是也

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