Hello!堡贝们!今天给大家分享一个英文绘本故事,故事的名字叫做《The three wishes》三个愿望。

This story is about Ned and Nat.A fairy and a sausage.

Ned and Nat were hungry. They were always hungry.

Ned worked in the fields.
Help! One day,he helped a fairy.

“Thank you.Have three wishes,”said the fairy.

Ned ran home
"Net!Wehave three wishes!"he shouted

“Onh!”said Nat.
“I wish for…”“A sausage!”said Ned.

“A sausage?”said Nat.
“What a silly wishe.” You fool!But I’m hungry!

Ned was cross.
“I wish the sausage was on the end of your nose!”

And it was.
Anggh!NED....Nat was veryveryvery cross.…

“Oops!”said Ned.
“Ned!”wailed Nat.”Do something!”

“I wish the sausage was off your nose,”said Ned.
And it was.

“Now we have no wishes,”said Nat.
“But we do have sausage!” said Ned.

This story is about Ned and Nat,a fairy and a sausage.这是一个关于老爷爷 Ned,老婆婆 Nat,一个小精灵,和一个香肠的故事。Ned and Nat were hungry.老爷爷 Ned 和老婆婆 Nat 非常饿。They were always hungry.他们经常饿肚子。Ned worked in the fields.Ned 在农田里干活,“Help!”“救命啊!”He helped a fairy.他救了精灵。“Thank you. Have three wishes,” said the fairy.“谢谢你!作为回报,我可以帮你实现三个愿望。” 精灵说。Ned ran home.他连忙跑回家去。“Nat! We have three wishes!” he shouted.“老婆子!我们可以实现三个愿望了!”“Ooh!” she said. “I wish for…”“噢!我想要一个……”“A sausage!” said Ned.“香肠!”“A sausage?” said Nat. “What a silly wish!”“一个香肠?真是一个愚蠢的愿望!”“I am hungry.”“我很饿啊。”Ned was cross.Ned 也生气了。“I wish the sausage was on the end of your nose!”“哼,我真希望这根香肠长到你鼻子!”And it was.话音刚落,香肠真的长到了她的鼻子上。Nat was very, very, very cross.她非常非常非常生气。“Ned!” wailed Nat. “Do something!”Nat 哀嚎着:“Ned,你倒是想想办法呀!”“I wish the sausage was off your nose,” said Ned.Ned 许下了最后一个愿望:“现在我希望香肠从你的鼻子上掉下来。”And it was.然后,愿望实现了。“Now we have no wishes,”“现在,我们的愿望都用完了。”“But we do have a sausage!” said Ned.“但是,我们还有一根香肠嘛。”
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2.《三个愿望 《The three wishes》三个愿望》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。