从前有个男孩叫做迪克惠丁顿。他是个孤儿,一个人住在乡下,非常非常穷。There was once a boy called Dick Whittington. He lived on his own, in the country.Dick was very, very poor.
迪克:“我没钱买新衣服,没钱买好吃的,也没有舒服的家。我得找个工作养活自己。”Dick: “I have no money for fancy clothes…yummy food…or a warm, dry home. I think I need a job.”
他跑去找船夫,工人和铁匠,问他们需不需要帮工,但是却一无所获。So he asked boatmen, builders and blacksmiths. But no one needed help.
一天早上迪克遇到一个农民One morning, Dick saw a farmer.
迪克:“您能给我份工作么?”Dick: “ Can you give me a job?”
农民:“抱歉小伙子,我这里不需要人手。你干嘛不到伦敦去试试看呢?”Farmer: “Sorry, nothing here lad. Why not try in London?”
迪克:“伦敦是个很大的城市,离这里很远很远,对吧?”Dick: “London is big city that’s many miles away. Isn’t it?”
农民:“大家都说伦敦的街道是金子铺成的。”Farmer: “They say the streets are made of gold.”
迪克:“金子!那我去了不就发财了吗?谢谢!谢谢!”Dick: “Gold! I’ll be rich.Thank you thank you!!!”
迪克谢过农民,出发去伦敦了。Dick thanked the farmer and set off at once.
他走了很久很久,终于走到了伦敦。He walked for miles and miles and miles…Finally, he arrived in London.
迪克:“街道根本就不是金子铺的。到处都又脏又臭!我还是得找工作。。。”Dick: “The streets aren’t made of gold at all. They are just dirty and smelly! I’ll have to look for work once more.”
找了一天,什么工作也没有。天黑了,迪克蜷缩在一间大房子前的台阶上睡着了。But nothing turned out till it was dark. Dick curled up on the steps of a big house and fell asleep.
第二天早上,迪克被人喊醒了。The next morning, Dick woke to hear someone shouting in his ear.
咖喱夫人:“起来!别待在台阶上!”Mrs. Curry:“ GET OFF THESE STEPS GO AWAY !!!”
迪克还没来得及爬起来,一个男人走了出来。Before Dick could move, a man came out.
菲茨先生:“回厨房去加利夫人!你还好么孩子?进屋里来吧。”Mr. Fitzwarren: “Go back to the kitchen, Mrs. Curry! Are you alright, son? Come inside.”
迪克从没有见过这么豪华的大房子,里面的东西都漂亮极了。Dick had never been in such a grand house before. It was full of beautiful things.
菲茨先生:“欢迎来我家。你可以叫我菲茨沃伦。”Mr. Fitzwarren: “Welcome to my home. My name is Mr. Fitzwarren.”
“我有很多货船,它们载满货物在世界各地做买卖。你说你想找工作,我可以给你个工作,你就在厨房帮佣怎么样?”“My ships take things to be sold all over the world. You said you wanted to have a job. I can give you one. Would you like to help in my kitchen?”
迪克:“是的是的!!我愿意做任何事情!!”Dick: “Yes yes i’d love to do anything!!”
迪克一整天都在干活,刷锅洗碗,擦地板削胡萝卜皮。Dick spent the day washing pots, cleaning floors and peeling carrots.
工作很辛苦但是迪克很开心,大家都对他很好。It was hard work but Dick was happy. And everyone in the house was kind to him.
厨房女佣:“干的不错,迪克!”kitchen mate: “Good Job, Dick!”
男仆:“好样的小伙子~”Footman: “Well done lad!”
可是也不是每个人都喜欢他。Well almost everyone.
加丽夫人:“走开笨蛋!”Mrs. Curry: “OUT OF MY WAY! SCRUFF POT!”
工作了一整天以后,佣人们带着迪克上了阁楼。After his first day’s work, Dick was taken to the very top of the house.
佣人:“你就谁在阁楼吧,迪克。”Mate: “You can sleep in the attic, Dick.”
房间和小,但是迪克不介意。The room was small, but Dick didn’t mind.
迪克:“我自己的床!我一直梦想着有个自己的小屋子。”Dick: “A bed of my own! How I dreamt about it.”
就快睡着的时候,迪克听到了很大的叫声。Just as he began to fall asleep, he heard a loud squeak!
一只老鼠从地板下面钻上来,过一会又来了一只,后来钻出来了好多只。A mouse squeezed out of a hole in the floorboards…followed by another…and another… “squeak! squeak!!!”
不一会儿,整个房子里满是老鼠。Seconds later, the whole room was full of mice.
迪克:“啊啊啊啊啊!!!!这么多老鼠,要我怎么睡啊!”Dick:“aaaaaaah!!! How can I sleep with so many mice!!”
每天晚上都是这样。迪克都要快被老鼠逼疯了。And it was the same every night. The mice drove Dick crazy.
迪克:“我一定要解决他们!”Dick: “I must get rid of them.”

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