越野跑ITRA常识 刘彬 tips:为打造最牛跑团,追寻长跑最热的真谛,促进科学训练,跑团秘书处每周都会刊发一起中英文对照的美篇小文,名称为。欢迎各位最牛的团员投稿、支持、分享。为跑道上那抹亮丽增光填色。 ITRA: International Trail Running AssociationTrail-running is a pedestrian race open to all, in a natural environment (mountain, desert, forest, plain…) with minimal possible paved or asphalt road (which should not exceed 20% of the total course).ITRA越野跑越野跑是对所有人开放报名的比赛, 是在自然环境中举办的比赛(山地, 沙漠,森林, 丘陵等。。。), 尽最大可能避开任性公路或沥青马路(所占比例不应该超过20%)。

The terrain can vary (dirt road, forest trail, single track…) and the route must be properly marked (1).The race is ideally- but not necessarily – in self-sufficiency or semi self- sufficiency (2) and is held in the respect for sporting ethics, loyalty, solidarity and the environment.Classification of Trail running races:赛道状况可以多种多样(泥路,林中小径,狭窄路径。。。),要求路线必须恰当的表示。越野跑不以比赛为目的, 但是比赛确实是进行越野跑的最好环境, 分为半自助和全自动两种, 越野跑的精神在于对体育道德的尊重。越野跑分级:

Trail : Under 42kmTrail Trail Ultra Medium (M): 42km to 69kmTrail Ultra Long: 70km to 99 kmTrail Ultra XLong: 100km and more少于42km:初级越野跑42-69km:中级越野跑70-99km: 长距离越野跑大约100km:极限越野跑

(1) Properly marked means that the runners that the runners will receive enough information to complete the race without getting lost. That includes physical markings (flags, tapes, signs…) or GR permanent markings or GPS tracks or map indication.
(2) Self- sufficiency or semi self- sufficiency means that the runner has to be autonomous between aid stations, regarding clothing, communications, food and drink.适当的标识是指由足够的路标使参赛人员不迷路完成比赛。标识可以是旗子,条带,标记或,也可以是GPS路径或者地图点标识,或者赛道上已经存在的规范路标。全自助和半自助是指在补给点中间,需要自己携带衣物、食物、饮水和通讯设备等。

会长 王岩 秘书长 刘星宇 秘书处 徐霞 王彦苏 张晨歌 刘彬
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