31 32 ① what I m always proud of ② what makes me worried ③ what it takes to do anything well ④ whether I can pass the final examination ⑤ when my teacher asked me to sing an English song It is not decided It is a pity It is likely It is good news to us What he said It s said It is well-known What I want to learn 英语 Unit 11 What are you planning to do? Part 1 Warm up 目录页 CONTENTS PAGE Listening and Speaking Part 2 Pronunciation Part 3 Reading and Writing Part 4 Grammar Focus Part 5 Have Fun Part 6 Review Part 7 过渡页 TRANSITION PAGE Warm up Part 1 4 ? Look and match. sales transportation health care law education IT 5 ? Look and match. sales transportation health care law education IT 6 ? Look and match. sales transportation health care law education IT 7 ? Discuss and choose. □ related knowledge at school / college □ work experience □ creativity □ patience □ a good attitude □ training □ a dream about the job 过渡页 TRANSITION PAGE Listening and Speaking Part 2 9 Two . Dialogue A Skill is the most important thing, not the certificate. Learn the words and expressions. 10 Decide True or False. ____ ① Zhao Yi was turned down because she didn t have a cooking certificate. ____ ② Liu Yan worked as a secretary in China Mobile. ____ ③ Liu Yan speaks English very well though she doesn t have any certificate. ____ ④ Mr. Zhang advised Zhao Yi to get certain certificates as well as the skill, the
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