Grammar 语言 语义系统 语音系统 文字系统 结构系统 语法层次 语法结构的 五 个层次 ? 词素 ? 词 ? 词组 ? 分句 ? 句子 morphemes 词素 复合词 句法功能 功能词 实义祠 I love linguistics. You believe me. Dependent 从属子句 when she entered the room who delivered the lecture 句子类型 简单句 Simple She read the book . 并列句 Compound She read the book but she didn t like it 。 复合句 Complex and independent clauses :从属连 词、连接代词、连接副词 ) She read the book while she was in college . 并列复合句 Compound-Complex dependent clauses) He jumped for joy and screamed very loudly when his team won the game. 简单句: 句子只包含一个主谓结构,且句子的各个成分都是 由 单词或者短语 表示。 ? A school is an important place to students. ? Many people have a close relationship with their pets. ? The students I teach have made better grades in the past few weeks. 并列句: 两个或两个以上互相独立的主谓结构、由 并列连词 连接。 ? Oliver came to the party, but Rose did not. ? Every room in the house has its own function and it is difficult to imagine the life without one of them. Tip: 根据两个简单句之间的关系 — 结合、选择、转折,因果, 选择不同的并列连词 结合: and, both…and, as well as, not only…but also 选择: or, either…or, neither…nor. or else.. Otherwise 转折: but, yet, however, nevertheless, while, whereas 因果: for
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