Globalization Fuse Newly Born Conflict developing . 1 T 糊弄就 2 3 Economic globalization 4 Tourism globalization 5 The solution to the problom 有个有一个 1 C O N T E N T S The definition of globlization The importance of globalization What is globalization? 1 is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations. TEXT TEXT TEXT multinationalization multinationnalization is the first part of the process of globalization. It s a foundation. internationalization internationalization is the second part of the process of globalization.It s futher. Cosmopolitanization cosmopolitanization is the final result.The world become a global village. He Shuang Four characteristics of the process contact conflict clash fusion Countries and countries are closely linked gradually. Conflict is the logical result to different civilizationsin this process. Then the clash start.Many things are changed and changing each other. At last ,all of them will be fused together.The contact will be more and more closed. process He Shuang Aspects of Globalization Economy culture Politics With the develo pment of scienc e and technolog y, the economic globalization ha d been born an d now it is devel oping in a rapis peed. Cultural globalizatio n is the process wh ere by information , commodities and im ages produced in o ne part of the world enter into a global f low that flattens ou t cultural difference s. Political globalization is evident in the growing importance of international organization. These organizations are transnational and enable states to take concerted action . Nowadays,internati nal tourism is the biggest industry in the world.Unfortunately ,international tourism creates tensio rather than undersanding between people from different cultures. He Shuang Why globalization is so important? 2 It s truely important to humanity. Globalization brings opportunities and challenges to the developing countries. Things from different countries spread widely,which has really brightened up the lives of many people. Zhao Ziang Link between different countries get closer and closer. Great changes have been happening. The world is gradually becoming a whole. Region Whole Global cooperation has become a norm. Individual ADD TEXT Cooperation Sharing makes our life more colorful. single Rich W ASADAL A A A Zhao Ziang Trade globalization 3 Trade globalization is the core of globalization. Second major economies One of four Asian tigers France Germany Members of the twenty countries Canada Petroleum state Hyperpower ADD A TITLE SLIDE Teconology STEP1 Disparity STEP2 Demand STEP3 Complementary STEP4 The development and dissemination of modern science and technology is the fundamental cause of economic globalization. Developing countries in order to narrow the gap with developed countries in economy, technology and comprehensive national strength The lack of resources, energy, market and cheap labor in developed countries is the inner motive of economic globalization. Whether it is active or passive,the developed countyies and developing countyies all need to be ivolved in it. Xu Baoxiang The order of trade globalization The developed countries The developing countries War-torn countries The Hyperpower Xu Baoxiang Advantages It provides a chance for developing countries to meet opportunities and challenges. Economic globalization can make the world s capital, technology, products, markets, resources, labor force reasonable configuration. The advantages and disadvantages ADD TEXT TEXT Disadvantages Economic globalization has exacerbated the imbalance of the world economy, widening the gap between the rich and the poor. The existing rules of the global economy are not reasonable, and most of it is conducive to the developed countries. Xu Baoxiang Tourism globalization 4 Tourism plays an important role in the process of economic globalization. Small scale, single structure, has not yet developed into a complete system of industry Citizens have started from the beginning of the domestic tourism and play, began to move towards the province, abroad began to change. Truly into the field of international tourism services trade, and the world s tourism market more closely Globalization promotes the tourism industry to adapt to the development trend of international trade in services TEXT ADD TEXT 2 3 4 1 Tang Bingtian
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