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参考术语:the Communist Party of China (CPC)中国共产党hand-written paper随笔


Dear Millie,

I ' m happy to tell you something about learning the history of the communist party of China in our school。

our party was founded in 1921 and it is the 100 th birthday this year。we learnt something about the party from books and magazines . we watched ses Eos on TV and saw some films . I was deeply moved by the movie my people,mewe listened to the lecture named I love you,China on

we also organized all kinds of activities . some students took part in the hand-written paper competition . some students joined in the whe Others part

hope you can come to visit us if possible . then we ' ll show you a real China,a peaceful and prosperous China。


2.面对百年建党,同仁市各学校正在开展爱国爱党主题教育活动。假设是张华,参加在你们学校举行的英语演讲比赛庆祝党的生日,请根据以下内容的提示和要求,以“How to be a responsible student”为题写一篇演讲稿,谈谈怎样才能成为有能力、有责任感的学生。











参考术语keep one's promise,be thankful to sb,set the mind of saving



July 1st will be our party ' s 100 th birthday . as teenagers,we are the future of our motherland . we have a sense of duty to make our count

owerful. What should we do to be a responsible student?

First of all, we must love our country and home. We should have our own dreams. And we should also keep our promise and be thankful to the people who help us. Secondly, we should work hard and be creative in study. We should set the mind of saving and not waste food, paper, water and so on. Next, exercise can make us strong and confident. We should do more exercise and keep healthy. After that, we should love nature. We should do our best to protect the environment. We shouldn’t throw litter everywhere, and we should love animals and plants. If we pay attention to the nature, we will find the beauty everywhere.

All in all, if we show our love in our daily life, we can be anything we want.

Thanks for listening!



In the past

•old and low houses

•dirty streets

•poor; lived a hard life


•tall buildings

•wide and clean streets

•beautiful parks

•many freeways and an airport


Your feeling ...


1. 需包含提示中的相关内容,可适当发挥;

2. 语言表达准确,语意通顺连贯;

3. 80词左右。短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua. I was born in Shaoyang, a beautiful city in Southern China. Now, I’d like to say something about the great changes in Shaoyang.

In the past, the houses in Shaoyang used to be old and low. The streets were dirty. The people of Shaoyang were very poor and lived a hard life. But now, everything has changed. A number of tall buildings are seen everywhere. The streets are wide and clean. There are also many beautiful parks for people to walk and play. You can see many freeways and an airport in Shaoyang. The convenient transportation makes more and more people visit Shaoyang.

What great changes! I love my hometown—Shaoyang.

That’s all. Thank you!


4.正值中国共产党(the Communist Party of China)建党100周年,“感党恩、学史力行”。作为中学生,我们应该怎么做呢?请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文。


1. 学习党史,了解红色文化,弘扬(carry forward) 共产党精神;

2. 尊敬师长、团结同学、刻苦学习;

3. 积极参加各项有意义的活动:唱红歌,讲红色故事等;








It is the 100th anniversary(周年纪念)of the founding of the Communist Party of China this year. We must give thanks to the Party and practice what you have learned from history.

We should start from the following aspects. First of all, we should study the history of the Party to understand the red culture, and then carry forward the spirit of the Communist Party. Second, we should respect teachers. We should get on well with our classmates and study hard. Finally, we should take an active part in all kinds of meaningful activities, such as singing red songs, telling red stories and so on. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, people’s life is getting better and better. We must love our motherland and our party even more. We should make contributions to the country!



1. 你打算组织一次什么活动及其原因;

2. 表达你对祖国和党的热爱之情;

3. 你打算今后如何为祖国和党的建设贡献力量。

要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,包括所有相关信息,可作适当发挥;

2. 文章中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 字数:80-100. 文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。


Our party will be 100 years old. To celebrate the 100th birthday of our motherland, our school will hold all kinds of colourful activities. I want to be an organizer. I’ll organize an activity. My classmates can tell stories about our motherland, because it can express your love for the motherland and the party.

I think the activity is very meaningful. I love my motherland very much. I am proud of it.

From now on, I will keep working hard and try my best to learn all my subjects so that I can help our motherland and make a difference to our country in the future.
















The museum is in the centre of the city. Its collection of cultural relics is rich in variety. It was set up in 1973. It is open to visitors from 9 a.m. to 16:30 p.m. every day except Monday. People can visit it for free and they should be quiet, but they can’t smoke, take pets or take photos there. There are three floors in the museum. Visitors can enjoy photos and stories of heroes on the first floor. On the second floor, they can experience our hometowns change, such as less pollution and better living conditions. The future development of our hometown can be expected on the top floor. The environment and the transport are mentioned. I think the museum is worth a visit.

7.为庆祝建党100周年,你校英语社团拟举办以“New looks in China”为题的征文活动。请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文投稿。






New looks in China

China has shown new looks to the world. Since the reform and opening-up of our country, our living conditions have greatly improved. Most of us have moved into comfortable houses. More than enough food and clothes have been produced to satisfy people’s needs. What’s more, technology have developed quickly. For example, 5G technology makes our life easier and more colorful. At the same time, the government has taken measure to protect the environment. Therefore, the air has become fresh and water green. In a word, the environment has changed for the better.

Thanks to the Party, our life has become better and we are facing a brighter future.










✧ 文中不能出现真实的人名,地名和校名;



参考词汇:书法 calligraphy 武术 martial art


Dear Peter,

There will be a show to celebrate the 100 birthday of the Chinese Communist Party in our school. The activity will be webcast at the same time.

I sincerely want to invite you to attend. The show will begin at 2 p. m. on June 25. The performance will be held in the school hall. There are many forms of performance. There are songs, dance, calligraphy, martial arts, etc. The activity was organized by the school Communist Youth League. This activity is to encourage our students to learn more about party history. As students, we should keep our mission in mind and study hard. This activity will have profound educational significance for students.

I am looking forward to your reply.




方志敏烈士简介:(1899年8月21日—1935年8月6日), 江西省弋阳人,中国共产党的优秀党员,江西党组织的创始人之一,闽、浙、皖、赣革命根据地的创建者。他历任县委书记、 特委书记、省委书记、军区司令员、红十军政委、闽浙赣省苏维埃政府主席,中华苏维埃共和国中央主席团委员,党中央委员。

1934 年,红七军团和红十军团合编为北上抗日先遣队,方志敏任总司令。1935年1月27日,他不幸被俘人狱,在狱中坚贞不屈,写下了《可爱的中国》、《清贫》等名著。1935年8月6日,方志敏在南昌英勇就义,时年36岁。

假如你是Daming, 昨天你刚看了电影《可爱的中国》(Cute China),深受感动。于是你想写封信告慰方志敏烈士。信中主要涉及三个方面:

1.问烈士:为什么这么多共产党员为了信仰选择牺牲而无所畏惧?(choose to die for Marxism without fear)今天你找到了答案;

2.告慰烈士:他的the Dream of Cute China 已经实现,现在的中国比他书中写的更美丽、更强大;


要求:1. 信件须语句通顺、意思连贯,可适当发挥;

2. 字数80。文章开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:

CPC members(共产党员);faith(信念);comrade(同志);feel puzzled(困惑);to realize the great rise of the Chinese nation(实现中华民族伟大复兴)

【答案】One Possible Version:

Dear Uncle Fang,

Do you agree I call you Uncle Fang? I’m Daming, a 15-year-old student. Yesterday, I saw the movie Cute China. Your story deeply touched me. So I’m writing this letter to you(Later I’ll read it to you). It’s a pity you died at a very young age, and thousands of your comrades followed your steps too. So one question has puzzled me for a long time. That is: why so many CPC members chose to die for Marxism without fear? Was it worthy? Today I seem to have the answer. Because all you men had faith, all you men had the Dream of Cute China. You did all this for a new China. Today I’m proud to tell you all that the Dream of Cute China has already come true! Today’s China is among the greatest countries in the world! She is more beautiful and powerful than what you described(what she was like) in your book. As a Chinese student, I also have a Cute China Dream. That is to realize the great rise of the Chinese nation. We are sure that we can make it.

Peace to your soul!









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