if we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer ' s day we shall find that the blue colour is the most pure And intense overhead And WWE which is full of the larger dust particles reflecting white light,And this diluter the pure blue of the higher atmosphere seen beyond,And in this last effect is greatly intensified,Owing to the great thickness of the strata of air through which the light reaches us。the enormous amount of this dust is well shown by the fact that Hen only we can look full at the sun,even when the whole sky is free from clouds and therror

晴朗的夏日,我们观察天空,背向太阳向上看,就会发现头顶上的蓝色是最纯最浓的。靠近天边的话,颜色往往很暗,但太阳周围的地方有点黄。当我们看着天边时,雪要穿过非常厚的低空大气层,其中粒子布满了大灰尘,白色的光反射出来,天空高空大气的纯蓝色变得暗淡。(大卫亚设,Northern Exposure(美国电视))在太阳附近,大量蓝光从微尘反射到宇宙中。这样,主要从低空大气层的粗糙灰尘反射到地面的光线呈浅黄色。但是日出和日落时,光线接触地面,南非通过厚厚的大气层,反射效果得到了很大改善。只有这样,我们才能正视太阳。万里长空没有一丝云彩,一点雾也看不见。(威廉莎士比亚,哈姆雷特,太阳名言)这充分说明低空灰尘量大。

qKANng k、ng、ng、ng、n l \ de Xi、r、r、gu、w、men gu、n ch、y、y、ti、n k、ng、qi bZh sh y n w I w 244men Xing ti n w 22ng q yng q ysh,m Yugu ng y 22u o Chu n gu JH Yu de d k艉ng d艉ng d艉ng、q。zh、ng b艉m \ F \ n sh ch为bI gu ng、zh Ji欲望ch、ng dn le ti NJ、g o k、ng d、q、c ng de ch、n l 22n s;zI tKangI yng fKangn,dKangng lKangn gu ng zy u x w I de chn I f \ n shHutI k-ng。Zhyng,zh \ yyng o y u d k-ng d-q,c ng de c,l-ch n,I f \ n sh d-o d-d,mi-n de gu-n

ì luò shí ,yóu yú guāng xiàn dào dá dì miàn nán fēi yào chuān guò hòu hòu de dà qì céng ,zhè zhǒng fǎn shè xiào guǒ dà dà zēng qiáng le 。zhī yǒu zài zhè zhǒng shí hòu ,wǒ men cái kě yǐ zhí shì tài yáng ,jí shǐ wàn lǐ zhǎng kōng méi yǒu yī diǎn yún cǎi ,bú jiàn yī sī wù ǎi 。zhè jiù chōng fèn xiǎn shì le dī kōng chén āi de shù liàng zhī dà 。

But the sun’s rays then reach us after having passed,first,through an enormous thickness of the higher strata of the air,the minute dust of which reflects most of the higher strata of the air,the minute dust of which reflects most of the blue rays away from us,leaving the complementary yellow light to pass on,Then,the somewhat coarser dust reflects the green rays,leaving a more orange-coloured light to pass on;and finally some of the yellow is reflected,leaving almost pure red. But owing to the constant presence of air currents,arranging both the dust and vapour in strata of varying extent and density,and of high or low clouds which both absorb and reflect the light in varying degrees,we see produced all those wondrous combinations of tints and those gorgeous ever-changing colours which are a constant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those not infrequent exhibitions of nature‘s kaleidoscopic colour painting. With every change in the altitude of the sun the display changes its character;and most of all when it has sunk below the horizon,and owing to the more favourable angles a larger quantity of the coloured light is reflected toward us,Especially when there is a certain amount of cloud is this the case. These,so long as the sun was above the horizon,intercepted much of the light and colour,but when the great luminary has passed away from our direct vision,his light shines more directly on the under sides of all the clouds and air strata of different densities;a new and more brilliant light flushes the western sky,and a display of gorgeous ever-changing tints occurs which are at once the delight of the beholder and the despair of the artist. And all this unsurpassable glory we owe to——dust!

但是太阳的光线终于到达了地面。它们先是穿过厚度极大的高空大气层,其中的细微尘埃把大部分蓝色的光反射掉了,让补色的黄光继续通行。然后,粗粒尘埃又反 射掉绿色的光,让偏橙色的光继续通行。最后,部分黄色的光也反射掉,剩下几乎是纯红色的了。不过,由于不断出现气流,把法埃与水汽分层排列,广度不均,密 度各异,加上高低空常有云层,不同程度地吸收并反射阳光,我们这才看到各种奇异的色调斑剥陆离,诸多绚丽的色彩变化万千;任何人只要有幸将西方的景致一览 无余,只要有心观看大自然不时展现的那一幅幅瞬息万变的彩画,都会为之赞不绝口,喜不自胜。随着夕阳缓缓西坠,这种景观也不断变幻;尤其是在太阳沉入地平 线之后,由于角度更加适宜,五颜六色的光就都发射到地面上来。遇有些许云雾,更是如此。本来,只要太阳还位于地平线之上,云雾便截住了不少夕阳和色彩;而 今太阳从我们的视野消失,阳关便更为直接地照射到密度各异的重重云霭与层层大气的底部;一片崭新的、更加灿烂的阳光染红了西天,一幅景观色彩绚丽,变化万 千,观赏者固然赏心悦目,然而自叹莫及。而我们之所以能领略如此无与伦比的美景,全应归功于—尘埃!

dàn shì tài yáng de guāng xiàn zhōng yú dào dá le dì miàn 。tā men xiān shì chuān guò hòu dù jí dà de gāo kōng dà qì céng ,qí zhōng de xì wēi chén āi bǎ dà bù fèn lán sè de guāng fǎn shè diào le ,ràng bǔ sè de huáng guāng jì xù tōng háng 。rán hòu ,cū lì chén āi yòu fǎn shè diào lǜ sè de guāng ,ràng piān chéng sè de guāng jì xù tōng háng 。zuì hòu ,bù fèn huáng sè de guāng yě fǎn shè diào ,shèng xià jǐ hū shì chún hóng sè de le 。bú guò ,yóu yú bú duàn chū xiàn qì liú ,bǎ fǎ āi yǔ shuǐ qì fèn céng pái liè ,guǎng dù bú jun1 ,mì dù gè yì ,jiā shàng gāo dī kōng cháng yǒu yún céng ,bú tóng chéng dù dì xī shōu bìng fǎn shè yáng guāng ,wǒ men zhè cái kàn dào gè zhǒng qí yì de sè diào bān bāo lù lí ,zhū duō xuàn lì de sè cǎi biàn huà wàn qiān ;rèn hé rén zhī yào yǒu xìng jiāng xī fāng de jǐng zhì yī lǎn wú yú ,zhī yào yǒu xīn guān kàn dà zì rán bú shí zhǎn xiàn de nà yī fú fú shùn xī wàn biàn de cǎi huà ,dōu huì wéi zhī zàn bú jué kǒu ,xǐ bú zì shèng 。suí zhe xī yáng huǎn huǎn xī zhuì ,zhè zhǒng jǐng guān yě bú duàn biàn huàn ;yóu qí shì zài tài yáng chén rù dì píng xiàn zhī hòu ,yóu yú jiǎo dù gèng jiā shì yí ,wǔ yán liù sè de guāng jiù dōu fā shè dào dì miàn shàng lái 。yù yǒu xiē xǔ yún wù ,gèng shì rú cǐ 。běn lái ,zhī yào tài yáng hái wèi yú dì píng xiàn zhī shàng ,yún wù biàn jié zhù le bú shǎo xī yáng hé sè cǎi ;ér jīn tài yáng cóng wǒ men de shì yě xiāo shī ,yáng guān biàn gèng wéi zhí jiē dì zhào shè dào mì dù gè yì de zhòng zhòng yún ǎi yǔ céng céng dà qì de dǐ bù ;yī piàn zhǎn xīn de 、gèng jiā càn làn de yáng guāng rǎn hóng le xī tiān ,yī fú jǐng guān sè cǎi xuàn lì ,biàn huà wàn qiān ,guān shǎng zhě gù rán shǎng xīn yuè mù ,rán ér zì tàn mò jí 。ér wǒ men zhī suǒ yǐ néng lǐng luè rú cǐ wú yǔ lún bǐ de měi jǐng ,quán yīng guī gōng yú —chén āi !





1.《【初中英语作文天空的美】双语美文The colour of sky天空颜色》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【初中英语作文天空的美】双语美文The colour of sky天空颜色》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
