“teenagers need nine hours of sleep A night but about A fourth of them get six hours or less”,罗伯特罗伯茨,A professor at the university of Texas pusThe top sk The ones earning mainly a ' s and b ' s,went to bed earlier on both weeknights and weekends than those who received c ' s,D 's and" smolensk wrote in house Etter health . "Roberts suggested that " students would be better off if high school classes started at noon and ended at six or seven in to They ' d be much happier


I once visited a classroom of seven-year-old to talk about science as a career . the children asked me textbook questions-about sches Salary and wws' After a long pause,a boy raised his hand . 'have you ever seen a grasshopper eat?When I eat leaves like that、I wiii get stomachache.why?" this began a set of questions that lasted nearly two hours . "what makes tears?“where do little spiders get all the stuff to make their webs?”As parents,you may not know the answers to your child ' s questions . it ' s all right to say " I don ' t know but maybe we can find on

有一次,我进入7岁孩子的班级,与孩子们讨论以科学为职业的主题。(威廉莎士比亚,《哈姆雷特》,《教育》)孩子们首先问了我接受的教育、我的薪水和我是否喜欢这份工作的基本问题。我回答了孩子们的问题后,我们跪着坐在一起,无语。然后我说,我回答了你列出的问题,你对科学还有其他问题吗?沉默了很久后,一个男孩举手问道。“你见过蝗虫吃吗?”“”,“我也像蝗虫一样吃草的话,肚子疼。为什么?”接着孩子们问了很多问题。眼泪是怎么来的,小蜘蛛从哪里弄来那么多东西,问题持续了差不多两个小时。作为父母,可能不知道孩子们提出的问题的答案,我们可以说不知道,但我们可以一起探索那个问题的答案。(约翰f肯尼迪) (英语帮助翻译)


