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最近,被众多网友奉为《旅行圣经》的Lonely Planet公布了2018年前十大旅行目的地(Best in Travel 2018),让期待已久的旅行爱好者不再可以参考。


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the world ' s most populous country is big,beautiful And full of mystery And adventure . since 2016,中国has opened extensive new high-speed



The Shangri-La Train


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currently The longest high-speed rail route in The world and taking less than 11 hours to travel more than 2700km on The quickest service,The Beijing



Travelling from China’s imperious capital, Beijing, the train wends its way south through heavily industrial Hebei province into Henan, sliced in two by the mighty Yellow River, before pushing on west through Hunan, birthplace of Mao Zedong, into the karst landscapes of Guizhou and on to Kunming, capital of China’s most south-westerly province, Yunnan. The train is named in honour of one of Yunnan’s most famous cities, mythical Shangri-La, nestled high up in the province’s mountainous north and due to get its own connecting high-speed line soon.


Photo: VCG

To break up the journey, be sure to stop off at Zhengzhou, which is within easy reach of Luoyang city and the nearby Longmen Grottoes, one of China’s three major ancient Buddhist rock art galleries. Also near Zhengzhou is the Shaolin Temple, where Chinese kung fu is said to have originated.


The Panda Train


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Taking between 12 and 13 hours to travel 1690km, this train zips along from an ancient Chinese capital to the panda capital of the world.


Beginning at Nanjing, a city of both proud and tragic history, it hurtles through the Yangzi basin, into the megacity region of Chongqing, gateway between eastern and southwestern China. From here, it pushes on into the mountainous heartland of Sichuan to arrive at Chengdu, home to the world-famous Giant Panda Breeding and Research Base.


Photo: VCG

En route, the train passes through Yichang. It's here you can stop off for a glimpse of the massive Three Gorges Dam, or hop on a cruise boat up the Yangzi River to Chongqing.


The Silk Road Train


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The first high-speed train to extend out into China’s vast western regions connects the 1776 kilometres between ürümqi, capital of Xinjiang province, and Lanzhou, capital of Gansu, in a little under 12 hours. The train follows the ancient Silk Road via the oasis town of Turpan, geographically the lowest place in China at 154m below sea level. From here, it travels through some of the harshest terrain in all of the country to Jiayuguan, home of the western end of the Great Wall, symbolically and historically marking the end of the ancient Chinese empire.


Photo: VCG

It then races southwest through the Hexi Corridor at Zhangye, worth a stop to view the otherworldly rainbow rocks at Danxia National Geopark, and across the Qilian Mountains, where the track soars to 3607 metres above sea level, making it the highest high-speed rail track in the world.


Photo: VCG

After slurping down some of Lanzhou’s famous hand-pulled lamian noodles, hop back on the train and travel on the newly opened Lanzhou to Xi’an line to complete your Silk Road journey by visiting the famed Army of the Terracotta Warriors.


The Coastal Train


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Covering the journey through China’s southern seaboard through Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong provinces, the 1623km-long Shanghai to Hong Kong line takes around 12 hours to connect two of Asia's most electric megacities.


Heading south from colossal Shanghai, via Hangzhou and its beautiful West Lake, the train passes through the lush, semitropical coastal stretches of southern Zhejiang into Fujian province. Here, it stops at provincial capital Fuzhou before travelling onwards to the old port town of Xiamen, home to some of China’s nicest city beaches and within reach of the Fujian Tulou (Hakka earthen roundhouses).


Photo: VCG

The train then passes through the hilly southwestern border with Guangdong to China’s technology capital, Shenzhen, from where it’s an easy ride across to vibrant Hong Kong on the MTR. There are even plans to extend high-speed rail lines directly into the city itself.


The Ice Festival Train


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China’s high-speed rail network continues to stretch up into the country’s economically and politically important northeast, or dongbei as it’s known in China, connecting this rugged mountainous region with the rest of the country.


This train takes around 12 hours to travel the 2400km between Shanghai and Harbin, making it one of the longest rail journeys in China. It travels up through the eastern seaboard provinces of Jiangsu – home to gentile Suzhou and its imperial gardens and canals – and Shandong, birthplace of Confucius. On route, it stops at Tai’an, the jumping-off point for Tai Shan, the holiest of China’s five sacred Taoist mountains.


It then snakes its way along the Bohai Gulf coast, stopping at Beidaihe, a popular resort with one of China’s few beaches, before running through Liaoning and Jilin provinces, terminating in Harbin. The city's psychedelic ice sculpture festival, Harbin Ice & Snow World, is held each year in the sub-zero temperatures of a dongbei January.


The Island Train


Photo: Getty Images

When it opened in 2015, this was the world’s first circular high-speed railway line, whirling around south China’s tropical Hainan island, floating between Guangdong province and northern Vietnam. Some of the line runs parallel with the island’s coastline, giving passengers wonderful views of the South China Sea.


Photo: VCG

From the island’s steamy capital Haikou, the train runs 650km around the island in about five hours, connecting all the airports on the island. The train also passes through towns such as Wanning, on the island’s east coast, that offer access to some of China’s few surfable beaches. For the best beaches, however, hop off at the resort city of Sanya, at the island’s southern-most tip.


怎么样,看完Lonely Planet的介绍,2018年你想不想也来一次“说走就走”、“坐上高铁去旅行”?

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1.《【去上海旅游作文英文版初中】2018旅行最佳目的地,Lonely Planet推荐“乘坐中国高铁旅行”。》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《【去上海旅游作文英文版初中】2018旅行最佳目的地,Lonely Planet推荐“乘坐中国高铁旅行”。》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
