
Let's set a time limit。让我们设定时间限制。

It must be done in five minutes。这件事必须在5分钟内完成。

About six hours大约6个小时

I spend a lot of time reading books我花了很多时间看书

I takes me 4 hours to clean my room。我花了4个小时打扫我的房间

it has been five years since we last met自我们上次见面以来已经过去了5年

it takes two hours to fly from Beijing to光州从北京飞往广州需要2个小时

I'm going out for a few hours我要出去几个小时

We only have an hour of work left我们只剩下一个小时了

There are only two minutes left只剩两分钟了

There are only 20 seconds to go。只剩20秒了

赫利业!I'll give you 30 seconds快,给你30秒

I'll be ready in 5 seconds。五秒钟内就可以准备好。

I'm running out of time。我几乎没有时间。

Wait a minute,please请稍等

Just a moment花了一会儿时间

Just a second花了一会儿时间

Just one more minute。再来一点。

It's just a couple of months。只是几个月而已。

Only three days只有三天

in a day or two 1-2天

A couple of days ago两天前。

Time is running out。没有时间了。

can you finish your work ahead of time?你能提前完成工作吗?

time goes by fast when you ' re having fun当你幸福的时候,时间过得很快

from 3o ' clock to :30(three thirty)。从三点到三点半

From 8:00a.m. till 4336000p.m .上午8点到下午4点

your room is reserved from the 5 th(fifth)until the 9 th(ninth)。你的房间从5日预订到9日。

It gains a little快一点

It loses a little有点慢

It's long before six到6点还很早

哦,I'm late。哦,我迟到了

You're just in time。你来得正好。

It's about time!是时候了!

The flight is delayed飞机晚点起飞

The meeting is put off会议被推迟

They arrived 6 months ago,and left 3 weeks later。他们六个月前到达,三周后离开

in two weeks ' time it will be finished。两周后可以完成。

I have lived in Beijing since 1956。我从1956年开始住在北京

I was born in 1952(nineteen fifty-two)。我出生于1952年

I wish I had been alive in the 1800s(the eighteen hundreds)。我想生活在1800年代

This is an early 18th century sword。这是18世纪初的刀

I kill time。打发时间。

Let's kill some time fot tea喝茶消磨时间

Then we've got some time to kill。那就打发时间吧。

Take your time慢慢来

Time is money时间就是金钱

Every second counts。一英寸的时间一英寸的黄金

Time is always against us。时间飞逝。

How time flies!时间像飞一样飞!/时间过得真快啊!

Where does time go?时间像箭一样。


