

海洛!my name is Linda Cooper . I ' m from England . Linda is my first name . my last name is Cooper . I ' m 13 years old . I ' m in cle Lucy . she is from America








Dear Leona,

there are 6 people in my family . they are my grand parents,my parents,我的younger brother and I . my father is a factory worker . my mother is a mamather






我的名称is Tom . I ' m an American boy . I get up at six ' o clock in the morning . I have breakfast at six fifty . I go to school at sever S starts at five past eight

evening . I watch TV at half past eight . I go to bed at nine forty。



this is my school day . I get up at half past six in the morning . then I wash my face and hands,and have breakfast at seven . at half past set I go to school

with my family. I do my homework and go to bed at nine o 'clock.


假设你最喜欢的动物是袋鼠和大象,请写一篇英语短文对它们进行介绍。内 容 包 括 :

1. 最 喜 欢 它 们 的 原 因 。


My favourite animals are kangaroos and elephants. Kangaroos live in Australia, and they eat grass. The mother kangaroo has a bag for her baby. The baby is very cute. Elephants live in Africa and Asia. They are very clever. They eat a lot of plants every day. They are good at finding water. So they can live in the desert.




1. 你每天都用电脑。

2. 在电脑上可以读很多书。


4. 玩电脑游戏。

The computer is very useful for me. I use it every day. I can read many books on it and don't need to buy paper books. It is also useful for my study, and download much study information. I can also play games on it. They are very exciting. I like my computer.


假设以下表格是你的朋友 Linda 的一些信息,请写一篇英语短文介绍她。

I have a good friend. She is Linda. She likes reading very much. She always reads a new book every month. She usually goes to the book store at weekends.

She can search for new books there. She never reads in bed, because it is bad for eyes. Sometimes she goes to the school library to read. She says reading is interesting and she likes to read very much.



It is half past eight on Sunday morning. John, his parents and his grandpa are doing different things. John' s father is sleeping. He is very tired. John's mother isn't cooking. She is watching TV and eating some food. John is climbing a mountain. He loves sports. John's grandpa always gets up early. He is doing exercise and listening to music.


请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍西方的传统节日 --圣诞节。内容包括:

1. 圣诞节是大部分西方国家最重要的节日。

2. 在圣诞节前几天人们就开始为它做准备了, 如打扫房子, 买圣诞树,圣诞礼物,准备美味的食物,等等。 3.孩子们会穿新衣服,并从圣诞老人那里得到礼物。

3. 许多家庭会举办晚会,邀请亲戚和朋友参加。


Christmas is the most important festival in most Western countries. A few days before the festival, people begin to get ready for it. They clean their houses and go shopping for Christmas trees and presents. They usually get lots of food ready. The children can wear new clothes and get presents from Father Christmas.

Most of the families will have parties during Christmas. They invite their relatives and friends to talk, sing and enjoy the delicious food.


Spring Festival

Spring Festival is very important in China . People usually celebrate it in January or February. A few days before Spring Festival we clean our house and sweep away all the bad luck. On the evening before Spring Festival we have a big family dinner. We eat lots of traditional food,such as jiaozi , a kind of dumping. After dinner ,We usually watch a special programme on TV, and parents usually give their children a hongbao. It means lucky money.



亲爱的杰克,你好吗?你说你想知道一些关于中国节日的事 ,现在让我们从中秋节开始说, 中秋节是收获的季节 ,我们在那天晚上我们通常围着桌子坐, 享受美丽的月亮,月亮看起来更大更亮,在那天很多家庭吃一顿丰富的晚餐,

我们也吃月饼和水果。我希望你明年能来和我们一起庆祝中秋节 !

Dear Jack,

How are you? You said that you wanted to know somethingabout Chinese festivals. Now let me tell you something about Mid-Autumn Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is a festival of harvest (收获). On the evening of it, we usually sit around a table outside and enjoy the beautiful moon. The moon looks brighter and rounder. On that day many families have a big dinner. We also eat mooncakes and fruit. I hope you can come and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with us next year.

Best wishes to you!

Yours , ZhangLi


