
1、favourite [fevrt]


Yellow is her favourite colour。她最喜欢黄色。

Summeris my favourite season。我最喜欢夏天。

2、present [preznt]

名词。礼物,现在;Adj .面对面,出席,现在;Vt。赠送,呈现,呈现

Each boy gets a present。每个男孩都收到了礼物。

Do you like your present job?你喜欢现在的工作吗?

3、received [rsi3360 VD]

Adj .接受普遍公认和被认为是标准的v .接受(receive的过去式和过去分词)接受接待

he received a knight hood in the new year ' s honours list。他作为新年授勋者之一被授予爵士称号。the received wisdom is that they cannot win。人们一致认为他们不会赢。4,bear [be (r)]


I can't bear it。我再也受不了了。

I see a teddy bear。我看到泰迪熊了。



the goldfish swam round and round in their tiny bowls。金鱼在小鱼缸里转圈游泳。Maybe you should get a smallpet,like goldfish。也许你应该养一只金鱼般的小宠物。

6,among [m]


you are only one among many who need help。你只是众多需要帮助的人之一。He was among the last to leave。他是最后的出发者之一。7、allow[LAN]


will your father allow us to use his telephone?你爸爸会让我们用他的电话吗?the river is too deep to allow of swimming。河太深了,不能游泳。8,own [n]

Vt。承认拥有VI。承认adj .自己;特有的

I need my own space。我需要我的空间。Everiting I own is yours。我的一切都是你的。9,care [ke (r)]


I really care about the students in my class。我很喜欢这个班的学生。her work is to take care of the children。她的工作是照顾好孩子。10,夏娃[ev (r)]

Adv .一次;永远;永远。不断地;不断地。任何时间;任何时间。到底,究竟

Have you ever been to杭州?你去过杭州吗?I will be young and strong and beautiful for ever。我永远年轻,强壮,永远漂亮。


I have received many presents when I have my eleven birthday party . my parents give me a teddy bear,我的uncle gives me a book . my best friend gives me a ggives but my parents don ' t allow me to keep one . now I have my own gold fish . I will keep it and take good care of it . this gold fish is very beauth Ol our is pink . I


1.《【我特别的礼物英语作文初中】从零开始学英语:我的Favourite Present我最喜欢的礼物》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

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