Pros and Cons of 5G Technology | 5G技术的优点和缺点

Motorola offers a modification that makes one of its phones 5G compatible and Samsung plans to release a new 5G phone this summer。|摩托罗拉得到了改善。

how big is the network they have to run on?|运行需要多少网络空间?

Well it's not。|其实不需要。

Verizon has 5g available in several u . s . cities and att which owns CNN ' s parent

company warner media says it ' s launched 5g in more than a dozen places。| Verizon在美国多个城市开展5G业务,CNN母公司华纳媒体的ATT表示,在10多个地方推出了5G

industry analysts expect 5g to be available in 92 American cities by the end of the year。|业界分析家预测,到今年年底,美国将有92个城市推出5g。

And as far as 5g readiness goes、a group that represents the American wireless

industry says the u . s . and China are now tied for first place。|就5G准备而言,代表美国无线产业的一个组织表示,美国和中国目前并列第一。

and services are also available in several south Korean cities。|韩国很多城市也有这样的5G业务。

but why are tech enthusiasts so excited about this?|但是为什么技术爱好者对此那么兴奋呢?

Why does it matter?|这有什么关系?

according to the cellular technology industry association,5g is going to be a major

Factor in the U.S. economy,changing education,robotics and medicine。|蜂窝通信工业协会表示,5G将成为美国经济的主要因素,并将改变教育、机器人领域及医学领域

Self-driving cars,smartcities,fully connected homes,robots,this is the future and it

Will be powered by 5G。|自动驾驶汽车、智慧城市、互联网家庭、机器人是未来,未来由5G驱动。

the g stands for generation as in next generation wireless network and it ' s going to be fast。| g代表新一代无线网络的一代,5G非常快。

About 10 times faster than 4G网络。|比4g网络快10倍左右。

today it takes about six minutes to download a 3D movies with 4G。|今天,从4g网络下载一部3d电影大约需要6分半钟。

With 5G、it will be 30 seconds。|在5G网络中只需要30秒。

but 5g is about more than just super fast downloads and fewer dropped calls,really

about connecting the internet things。|但是5G不仅意味着超高速下载速度和减少电话中断,还意味着连接互联网。

All those sensors、thermostats、cars、robots、right now 4g just doesn't have the

Bandwidth for all those devi

ces but 5G will.| 所有这些传感器、恒温器、汽车、机器人,现在4G网络只是不具有所有这些设备的统一带宽,但5G将能够做到。

That’s why it’s a game changer.| 这就是为什么它改变了游戏规则。

Imagine self-driving cars instantly communicating with traffic lights and other cars,| 想象一下,自动驾驶的汽车能够即时与交通信号灯和其他汽车进行通信,

where a surgeon with Erequipment and special gloves operating remotely on a patient thousands of miles away.| 一位拥有急诊室设备和特殊手套的外科医生对远在数千英里外的一个病人进行远程手术。

5G will make that possible but when?| 5G将使这成为可能,但要在什么时候呢?

2020 is a working date for most of the wireless industry.| 对于大多数无线行业来说,可能将要等到2020年。

Four nationwide carriers are already testing the technology.| 四家全国航空公司已经在测试这项技术。

Chip makers are building processors and radios with 5G communication and network

equipment companies are building the back up.| 芯片制造商正在制造5G通信的芯片和无线网设备,网络设备公司正在建立支持设施。

But the future won’t come cheap, 5G signals are powerful but they don’t reach as far.| 但是未来的价格将会是高昂的,5G网络信号非常强大,但是其传输距离并不远。

Making it work will require thousands maybe even millions of cell phone towers pretty much everywhere you can imagine.| 要使之工作,将需要数千,甚至数百万的手机信号塔,覆盖在几乎所有你能想象到的地方。

Lamp posts, on a side of a building maybe even in every room of your home.| 灯柱、在建筑物的一侧,甚至可能在你家里的每一个房间里。

That’s why rolling out 5G to the entire United States could cost $300 billion.



pros and cons 优缺点

release vt. 发表

launche vt. 发射(导弹、火箭等);发起,发动

smart adj. 聪明的,智能的

sensor n.传感器

thermostat n.恒温器

remote adj. 遥远的,远程的

lamp post 灯柱,灯杆

roll out 推出(新产品,服务等)

run on 继续,继续下去




用法结构:provide sb.(with sth.)或provide sth.(for sb.)

My mother provide me with enough money.


The canteen provided delicious food for the students.


2.supply通常指定期“供应”,强调替代或补充所需物品,常用于supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. to sb.结构。

The natural gas will be supplied to people all over the country.


The hens supply us with eggs. 母鸡供给我们鸡蛋。

3.offer侧重表示“愿意给予”,常用于offer sb. sth.或offer to do sth. 结构,后不能接宾语从句。

The waiter offered me a cup of coffee. 服务员给我端上来一杯咖啡。

My brother offered to do housework. 我弟弟主动去做家务活。


