
10.Musee d'Orsay,France


the Musee d ' orsay is situated on the left bank of the river seine in Paris,France,And it was officially opened in 1986。originally constructed in 1900 as a railway station,Gare d ' orsay soon became unsuitable for the larger trains which were being used for maiingThe station was originally plan Olition before being granted a reprieve And being commissioned for renovation in 1974 . today,The museum holds MMS


9.Centre Georges Pompidou,France


As one would expect,President Georges pompidou commissioned this museum which was officially opened in 1977。the centre is split between being a public library And Nal artmuseum,And its design(Italian And British architects courtesy of Italian And British architects)Was meesthe centre has 5 million visitors3.8 million of which are And it has several major exhibitions organised each year to keep attendance high . in

2013, it was home to a retrospective Dali display which saw over7,300 visitors per day – a new record. Currently, the centre has plans to expand throughEurope, Asia and Central and South America.


8.National Gallery of Art, North America


The National Gallery of Art (along with its sculptural garden) is situated in Washington DC. Firstopening in 1937, the museum is open to the public and free of charge. Andrew W. Mellon, anAmerican banker, industrialist and art collector, donated a substantial art collection andfunds for its construction. The gallery specialises in paintings, drawings, sculptures,photographs, medals and prints which date from the Middle Ages to the present. Amongst itsmost spectacular pieces are the largest mobile ever constructed by Calder and Da Vinci's onlypainting in the Americas. In 1941, the Gallery began its prints collection with 400 donated byprivate collectors. Between 1943 and 1949, this collection grew rapidly with an additional22,000 pieces donated by Lessing Rosenwald. Today, it has more than 75,000 prints andcontinues to add new pieces annually. The National Gallery has around 4.2 million visitors peryear and it is the United States second most popular museum.

美国国家美术馆(及其雕塑厅)位于美国首都华盛顿—哥伦比亚特区。自1937年开馆, 一直对外免费开放。成就此美术馆的当属安德鲁·威廉·梅隆,他是一位银行家,实业家和艺术品收藏家,为美术馆捐献了大量个人珍藏的艺术品且辅以资金支持。该美术馆收藏了中世纪至今的油画,素描,摄影,奖章和版画作品,最负盛名的展品当是由卡尔德制作的最大手机和达·芬奇留在美国的唯一一幅画作《吉内夫拉·德本奇像》。后于 1941年,该美术馆在私人收藏家们捐赠的400幅绘画作品支持下更着力于画作收藏工作。1943年至1949年,收藏品数量大幅增加,期间包括莱辛·罗森沃尔德捐赠的22000件藏品。如今,它已有75000多件画作且每年都会收藏新的作品。国家美术馆的参观人数每年约为420万人,这样让它成为美国第二大受欢迎的博物馆。

7.National Palace Museum, Taipei


The National Palace Museum is situated in Taipei, Taiwan. It has a permanent collection ofover 1 million pieces of Ancient Chinese artifacts, treasures, inventions and priceless artifacts –making it the largest collection of its kind in the entire world. The collection spans over15,000 years of history; from the Neolithic age, to the Qing Dynasty, right up into the modernera. The majority of the collection once belonged to the Chinese Emperors and it first beganconstruction in 1964. However, the museum was unable to accommodate its vastcollection of 600,000 artifacts and faced repeated renovation and expansion in 1967, 1970, 1984 and 1996. In 2002, a $21 million revamp meant that the museum was partially closedfor five years to make it more modern and spacious. Only 1% of the collection is on display ata given time, whilst the rest remains stored in temperature controlled vaults. Withcontinuous rotation of its artifacts, the museum attracts 5.4 million viewers per year.


6.Vatican Museums, Italy


Pope Julius II founded the Vatican Museums within the city's boundaries in the early 16thcentury. Today, they display works from the exceptionally extensive collection built up bythe many Popes throughout the centuries, and this includes some of the most important piecesof Renaissance era art in the world. There are 54 galleries in total, with the most well knownbeing the Sistine Chapel. On the last Sunday of each month, the museum opens for free and itis a common sight to see people lining up to queue for many hours. This has helped contributeto its enormous popularity, seeing upwards of 5 million visitors annually.


5.National Gallery, England


Situated in Trafalgar Square, London, the NationalGallery was founded in 1824. Amongst its collectionare 2,300 paintings from the 13th Century to the20th. Its collection belongs to the public of theUnited Kingdom and entry is free of charge. Unlikemany museums in continental Europe, the gallerywas not formed due to nationalising a former royaltyowned collection, but rather due to the Britishgovernment buying an initial 38 paintings fordisplay. Since this purchase, the gallery was shaped by its earliest directors as well as fromsignificant private donations. At one point, the museum was one of the few galleries with all itspieces on display, although this is no longer the case. The gallery has unfortunately seen itsfair share of controversy – first regarding its over-zealous approach to restoration, then formisattributing paintings. Recently, it drew heavy criticism after deciding to buy US artist'sGeorge Bellow's 'Men of the Docks'. This was seen as a non-European painting in a Europeanstyle, potentially taking the Gallery in a new artistic direction, and it was lambasted fromboth sides of the Atlantic. The National Gallery sees more than 5 million visitors each year.


4.Tate Modern, England


London's Tate Modern forms part of Britain's Tate group, along with Tate Liverpool, Britain, StIves and Tate Online. It is Britain's national gallery of international modern art. Its collectionis made up of national and international contemporary art dating from 1900 to present day.Tate Modern annually attracts around 5.3 million visitors annually, a number far higher thanoriginally expected. Since 2004, plans have been in place to essentially double the displayspace available. Estimated to cost £215 million, the project began with an undergroundexpansion, primarily to show live performance art. It has been described by the museum asthe world's first gallery dedicated entirely to live art. The Tate Modern is host to an everchanging array of exhibitions by artists including Picasso, Klee and Gilbert & George – aretrospective display which consumed an entire floor of the gallery.


3.British Museum, England


Every year 5.6 million people pass through the doors of the British Museum. Located close tothe heart of London in Bloomsbury on its original site, the building covers a massive area of92,000 m2 (990,000 square feet). Established in 1753, the British Museum was originallylargely based on the collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The institutionfinally opened to the public on 15 January 1759 and up until 1997 it housed both a nationalmuseum of antiquities and a national library in the same building.


2.Metropolitan Museum of Art, North America


The Metropolitan Museum of Art is located in New York City on the eastern edge of Central Park.It is by far the largest art museum in the United States and one of the ten largest in the worldcovering about 190,000 m2 (2,000,000 square feet) and spread across two locations. The Metwas founded in 1870 by a group of American citizens (which included businessmen andfinanciers as well as leading artists and thinkers of the day) who wanted to open a museum tobring art and art education to the American people. It was officially opened on February 20, 1872 and has since moved locations from its original site. This huge museum attracts astaggering 6.1 million visitors annually and has a 'pay as you wish' admission with arecommendation of $25. Don't fret though, it's only a donation and no one will kick you outfor not paying.


1.The Louvre, France


A central landmark of Paris, the Louvre is probably the most renowned museum worldwide.No one can pinpoint the exact origin of its name, but the Louvre was originally built as afortress in the late 12th century and the building has been extended many times to form itspresent structure. The museum opened on 10 August 1793 with an exhibition of 537paintings – the majority of the works being royal and confiscated church property. It has nowbeen extended to include nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 21st century which areall exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres (652,300 square feet) – one of which ofcourse is the Mona Lisa. The Louvre is the world's most visited museum and sees more than 9.7million visitors annually.



