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the simplest way to drastically improve your life : more sleep



imagine this : someone walks up to you and pitches you on a brand-new,magical pill。




the study compared a traditional high-pitch smoke alarm with voice-based ones .

作为名词意味着“音调”,英语解释为“the pitch of a sound is how high or low it is”。

he raised his voice to an even higher pitch。


Pitch的意义也是多种多样的。同样,用作名词时,例如可以用作field的同义词,意思是“场所、体育场”,英语被解释为“a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played”。例如:

On the pitch这个短语是“参加比赛”=playing a sport听一个:

He was on the pitch for his school。


这里是动词,意思是“尽力销售”,英语解释为to try to persuade someone to do business with you,buy something etc informal。

.sales reps pitching new gadgets


此外,动词可以表示“[通常仔细瞄准后]用力扔[扔,扔,扔]”,英语是“to throw something with a lot of force,often aiming carefully”

She pitched the page into the fire。


this pill can measurably improve your memory,overall cognitive performance,ability to learn new information,receptivity to faciability



形容词性:measurable,除了可以表示“可测量、可测量”外,例如measurable results可以测量的结果,这里可以表示“明显、显著”,英语可以表示“Large or impopol”

the law has had little measurable effect since it was introduced two years ago。



显著变化/显著增加 noticeable difference/change/increase,举个:

Alcohol has a noticeable effect on the body.



表示“新陈代谢”,英文解释为“the chemical processes by which food is changed into energy in your body.”

Would you buy it?


Yeah, yeah, you saw this coming: That pill exists, but not in pill form. You can have all of those benefits cost-free, and all it takes is going to bed a little bit earlier. That's it.


And yet! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have called sleep deprivation a public health crisis, saying that one-third of adults don't get enough sleep. Some 80 percent of people report sleep problems at least once per week, and according to a 2016 study, sleep deprivation “causes more than $400 billion in economic losses annually in the United States and results in 1.23 million lost days of work each year.”

但是!疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)把睡眠剥夺称作是一场公共卫生危机,它表示三分之一的成年人睡眠不足。大约80%的人每周至少报告一次睡眠问题,并且,根据2016年的一项研究,睡眠剥夺“对美国经济造成的损失每年超过4000亿美元,并导致每年123万个工作日的损失”。



睡眠剥夺(英语:sleep deprivation)它可以是慢性的,也可以是急性的。慢性的睡眠不足可能会导致疲劳、白天昏昏欲睡、反应迟钝、体重增加或减轻。它对大脑和认知系统有影响。

If that's not enough, here is a non-comprehensive list of the ways your sleep deprivation is personally harming you:


■ Your overall cognitive performance — particularly your visual attention and ability to form memories — deteriorates. (More colloquially, this is that “brain fog” we all experience after a late night.)

■ 你的整体认知表现——特别是你的视觉注意力和形成记忆的能力——会衰退。(更通俗地说,这是我们在深夜后都会经历的“脑雾”。)


表示“恶化”,英文解释为“to become worse”,举个:

Sam's health has deteriorated.



形容词性:colloquial,表示“口语的,会话的,白话的,通俗的”,英文解释为“language or words that are colloquial are used mainly in informal conversations rather than in writing or formal speech.”

■ Your ability to learn new information is impaired, both by sleep deprivation before you learn new information and afterward.

■ 在你学习新信息的之前和之后,你学习新信息的能力都会因睡眠不足而受损。


impair作动词,表示“削弱,损害,损伤”,英文解释为“to damage something or make it not as good as it should be”,举个:

The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate.


■ You're less likely to correctly read facial expressions, even interpreting some expressions — even neutral ones — as threatening.

■ 你可能无法正确地解读面部表情,甚至会将一些表情——甚至是中性的那些——解读为威胁。

■ You're likely to be more cranky and react worse when presented with obstacles.

■ 当遇到阻碍时,你可能会更暴躁并且反应更糟。



I was feeling tired and cranky.


■ Beyond your severely impaired mental abilities, your body is affected, too: A lack of adequate sleep can contribute to weight gain, puts you at a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease, and makes you far less resistant to the common cold.

■ 除了严重受损的心智能力之外,你的身体也会受到影响:缺乏足够的睡眠会导致体重增加,使你患糖尿病和心脏病的风险更高,并使你对普通感冒的抵抗力大大降低。

That is insane! All of this from just not getting enough sleep!


So what are we to do? We've got you covered with The Times's guide to getting a better night's sleep.


First, learn how much sleep you need. Generally, if you're waking up tired, you're not getting enough.


However, the gold standard of eight hours per night might not be right for you. A study from 2015 brought into question whether we need that magical number, so following your body is the best way to figure out the right rhythm. The only real guideline is to get as much sleep as you need to feel refreshed and energized the next day, and then do that every single night. Keeping a sleep diary — like this one— can help you figure this out.


Next, figure out your body's natural rhythm. Maybe after years of trying, you need to acknowledge that you're just not a morning person. And that's perfectly fine! Find out what kind of sleeper you are, and don't fight your body's natural sleep tendencies.


Last, keep a consistent sleep schedule. This can be the most important part of your overall sleep hygiene. We're all equipped with a circadian clock, which is that internal 24-hour timer that naturally tells us when to sleep, and the best way to getting rest and feeling rested is to keep this consistent. Fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day (including weekends), and try to build as much regularity into your schedule as possible, including meal times, exercise routines, screen time (and when to shut off the screens) and morning sunlight time. And don't forget to keep your bedroom cool.




表示“卫生;保健”,英文解释为“the practice of keeping yourself and the things around you clean in order to prevent diseases”,举个:

oral/dental hygiene 口腔卫生

personal hygiene 个人卫生

food hygiene 食品卫生

circadian clock

表示“生物钟”,也可以说biological clock;

Your biological clock is your body's way of registering time. It does not rely on events such as day or night, but on factors such as your habits, your age, and chemical changes taking place in your body.

其中circadian意思是“〔尤指体内变化〕昼夜节律的,生理节奏的,以24小时为周期的”,英文解释为“relating to a period of 24 hours, used especially when talking about changes in people’s bodies”。

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保持睡觉的英语作文初中相关介绍,“teenagers need nine hours of sleep A night but about A fourth of them get six hours or less”,罗伯特罗伯茨...