time travel is a familiar subject of science fiction And fantasy stories,from h . g . wells to rod serling to hot tub time machine . but And,IFF


some scientists say time travel is theoretically possible,at least if you want to jump ahead to the future,But don 't start saving up for a time

一些科学家认为时空旅行在理论上是可以实现的,也许将来真的可以去你想去的时间。(约翰f肯尼迪,时间)但从现在开始不要抱有希望,打算攒钱以后买台时间机器。正如物理学家保罗戴维斯在2013年CNN (CNN)中解释的那样:“100年前,ELBERT INTESIN证明了时间本质上是灵活的,并且受到运动的影响,可以扩展或扩大。”

essentially the closer you ' re going to the speed of light,the slower time moves。fly to the star Vega,25 light years away,And back again at 99% of the speed of light,and when you return to earth in 2062,You will


So if you were to,theoretically,take a trip in a super-fast space ship,you might feel(and look)as though only a few years But wut

理论上,如果你乘坐超高速宇宙飞船到太空旅行,你会感到时间很慢。可能几年过去了。(约翰f肯尼迪,时间)但是当你回到地球的时候,实际上在地球上已经过了几十年了,你的家人和朋友很可能已经去世了。(大卫亚设,Northern Exposure)这就是所谓的时间旅行。

But what about going backwards?could it ever be possible to popback in time and stop bad things from happening and good people from dying?Theoretically,if you were to travel faster than the speed of light,you would be moving backwards in time,according to one hypothesis los


but most scientists believe that nothing can actually travel faster than light,and,if you could go back in time,Messing with the past would)。


although some theories have attempted to propose workarounds for these inconvenient time-travel problems,It remains a pretty widely held beld

一些理论试图为这些复杂的时空旅行问题提供替代方案,但大多数意见认为,回到过去是人类无法实现的梦想。毕竟,正如著名物理学家斯蒂芬霍金在他的《时间简史》中提到的那样:“如果时空旅行是可能的,那么从未来到现在世界往来的旅行者又在哪里呢?”" "


