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【教学设计研讨初中英语作文】教师资格证:英语《How often do you exercise》全英语教学设计

今天更新的是初中英语-《How often do you exercise》整体英语教学设计。



(Presentation and Practice)

T: look at the pictures on page 9,what do they do?

S4: watch电视、红皮书、exercise .……。

T: you are right,and any one else?

S5: go shopping,go to movies。

T: ok,now I need you to write down the answer on the book,pay attention to the pronunciation,am I clear?I will give you 3 minutes。

T: now time is up,you can check your answers with your desk mates。

T: let's look at the words below,these are all the words of frequency,but not the same,do you want to learn them today?



t : boys and girls look at the blackboard again,and who can tell me what we have learned today?

s 53360 today we learned the sentence " how often do you . "and how to answer it .

T:是!today we learned some frequency words . do you remember,let's read them again .

t : I ' d like to give you a gift because you are very active today .

T: ok,today ' s homework for you is to write a short passage with the title " my weekend "。and we will talk about it next class.


T: Well、over class is、goodbye!

S: Good-bye teacher!



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2.《【教学设计研讨初中英语作文】教师资格证:英语《How often do you exercise》全英语教学设计》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。








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