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everybody歌词 everybody everywill 什么歌的歌词 是一首女声唱的英文DJ


everybody everywill 什么歌的歌词 是一首女声唱的英文DJ


是 Groove Coverage 的 on the radio吗?Hello Mr. DJ, Would you play my song Please, please, play it All night long. Hello Mr. DJ On the radio Calling every station On the air Sending out the message Everywhere Tell it everybody On the radio Oh, oh, oh Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Hello Mr. DJ I"m losing sleep Please, please, play it My knees are gettin" weak Hello Mr. DJ On the radio If you"re not gonna play it I go insane If you"re not say it I lose my brain So tell it everybody On the radio Oh, oh, oh Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air DJ on the air Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the air Everybody, everywhere Please call the DJ on the air From Moon to Mars and everywhere Please call the DJ on the ai

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2.《everybody歌词 everybody everywill 什么歌的歌词 是一首女声唱的英文DJ》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。



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