以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!置之死地而后生zhì zhī sǐ dì ér hòu shēng
不过,有句俗话,置之死地而后生。 However, the saying goes, home of death and then Health.
这与万万树置之死地而后生的打法路数相似。 This tree must die before the home of the principal ways similar.
善用网络公关的力量,企业必定能够从激烈的竞争环境中,置之死地而后生! Be apt to uses the power of network public relations, the enterprise is sure can from inside intense petitive environment, the deathtrap of buy is born after that!
为了体现“置之死地而后生”的魄力,更为了展示向地产老大们叫板的勇气。 to embody “the battle over the ownership of” vigour, but also to display the courage estate boss was calling.
然而,此役面对实力并不强的四川队,青岛需要置之死地而后生,博出一片新田地。 However, this service facing the strength not strong Sichuan team, Qingdao needs to set at the deathtrap, but the young man, is abundant stretch of Xintien place.
毕竟辽小虎如今处境险恶,球员们都有了置之死地而后生的想法,辽宁队才可能决堤逢生。 Liao Xiaohu dangerous situation now, after all, the players have a home and then kill the idea of Health, Liaoning team can be every burst of Health.
“置之死地而后生”,在大疫之年,许多被感染者来到虱癣园,希望变成不死生物活下去。 In desperate times people turn to desperate solutions, during the plague years many of the infected came to Enlil-saduga, hoping to live on as Undead.
而是当我们在做某件事之前,我们就应该做好失败的心理准备,这样才会有置之死地而后生的感觉。 But when we do something, we should be prepared to do a good job of failure, as this will be home the feeling of resurrection.
我会拿我的一切做赌注,当输掉最后一文时,就把自己抵押上,我认为,这样我就能置之死地而后生。 I shall stake all I have and when I lose my last penny I shall stake myself, and then I think I shall have won through my utter defeat.
当然,你说中国民营企业也大批关门倒闭,这说明你更不懂现代中国经济了,听说过置之死地而后生吗? Of course, you have a large number of Chinese private enterprises to close the closure, the more you do not understand the modern Chinese economy, the home had heard of Health before you die?
从这个角度看,“沙丁鱼”们要感谢置之死地而后生的谷歌“鲶鱼”,是它带来了生死之间的激励和竞争! From this point of view, “sardines” who would like to thank the home of the Health and then kill Google “catfish”, it is between life and death brings inspiration and petition!
为什么要这样做,我也不是很清楚,我当时是急了,采用了“置之死地而后生”的战略哦——其实是蛮干的。 Why do so, I am not very clear, I was a bit tight, adopted the “home of Health to death and then” Oh strategy – is the acting.
与此同时传统航空公司也在改变成本结构、更换商务模式,试图在与低成本航空公司的搏斗中置之死地而后生。 Meanwhile traditional airline also is changing cost structure, change business affairs mode, try to be born after that in the deathtrap with the in fighting buy of low cost airline.
萧峰道:“这叫做置之死地而后生。我倘若不冲,就非死不可。那也说不上什么勇敢不勇敢,只不过是困兽犹斗而已。咱们围住了一头大熊、一只老虎,它逃不出去,自然会拚命的乱咬乱扑。” This is called ‘being desperate. ‘ I would have died had I not acted. I fought like a cornered animal and it had nothing to do with being courageous.
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