以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!胆小如鼠dǎn xiǎo rú shǔ
在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。He remained a mouse in public affairs.他竟然胆小如鼠,一句话都没说。 He is a strange little mouse, never said anything.
他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。 in face of the enemy was contemptible.
在公众事务上他依然胆小如鼠。 He remained a mouse in public affairs.
他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。 His cowardice in face of the enemy was contemptible .
在公事上他依然胆小如鼠。 In public affairs he remained a mouse.
结果,他就变得胆小如鼠。 As a result, he had bee the soul of caution.
你是男子汉还是胆小如鼠? Are you a man or a mouse?
他的妻子竟然胆小如鼠,一句话都没说。 His wife, a strange little mouse , never said anything.
你真是十足地胆小如鼠。大声说出来吧! You are every inch as timid as a mouse. Just speak up!
他是个谨慎的人,简直是个胆小如鼠的人。 He is a cautious man, indeed a timid one.
他的妻子竟然胆小如鼠, 一句话都没说。 His wife, a strange little mouse, never said anything.
简本身就很害羞,现在看起来更是胆小如鼠呀。 Jane has always been shy, she seems afraid of her own shadow.
他和教堂里的青蛙一样差劲。—–胆小如鼠。 He is as poor as a church mouse.
不要担心斯蒂芬可能会干出挑衅性的事来——他胆小如鼠。 Don’t worry that Stephen might be aggressive-he’s afraid of his own shadow.
29你真是十足地胆小如鼠。有什么想说的大声说出来吧! You are every inch as timid as a mouse. Just speak up!
她那害羞的眼神躲着我们的视线,显得胆小如鼠,忸忸怩怩的。 Her shy eyes dodging our line of sight, appears as timid as a mouse, accustomed to self-conscious of the Ni.
我们的带路人嘱咐我们做好准备。 Our guide, who by the way was a wretched faint-hearted fellow, bid us kp in a ready posture.
我们的带路人嘱咐我们做好准备。 Our guide, who by the way was a wretched faint-hearted fellow, bid us keep in a ready posture.
纳塔莉亚大叫着自己被绑架了,但是听到她呼喊的人们胆小如鼠,不敢上报。 She shouted that she was being kidnapped, but those who heard were too scared to report it.
我不禁沉思起来了,他这样的胆小如鼠,是不是因为他远离人群太久了的缘故。 This set me in a muse, whether his timidity arose from too long a disuse of any human pany.
但是印度自鸣得意的法官以及胆小如鼠的记者似乎都没有重新调查这个案件的兴趣。 But neither India’s placent judiciary nor its often-craven journalists shows much interest in reinvestigating his case.
有人气壮如牛,有人胆小如鼠,性格不同使然。希奇的是,这两种性格似乎同时集中在海尔集团的身上。 Strange is, these two kinds of disposition are centered on Haierji’s round body at the same time it seems that.
我们总结未成年人犯罪,一个孩子可能是胆小如鼠,两个气壮如牛,三个就胆大包天,四个就什么都敢干。 We summarize the minor crime, a child is possibly a timid as a rabbit, two gas strong like cows, three on the gallbladder large package day, four anything dare to do.
还有什么“胆小如鼠”,这还不都是你们给逼的,见到我们就那么声色俱厉、耀武扬威、棍棒伺候,我们能不胆小吗? What “as timid as a mouse”, this is not to force all of you, we will then see around, sticks to wait, we can not do timid?
伊万是一个胆小如鼠的小个子男人,他的胆子太小了,所以村子里人都叫他“胆小鬼”,或者嘲讽地称他为“怕死鬼伊万。” Ivan was a timid little man—so timid that the villages called him “Pigeon” or mocked him with the title “Ivan the Terrible.
不过,教师团里添了一名重要成员:彬彬有礼却又自负的吉德罗洛克教授。他喜欢接受读者的谄媚奉承,心底里却胆小如鼠。 However, there is a major addition to the staff, the affably vain Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who glows in the adulation of his readers but is a coward at heart.
伊万是唯一胆小如鼠的小个子男孩,他的胆子太小了,所以村子里人都叫他“胆小鬼”,或者嘲讽的成他为“怕死鬼伊万”。 Ivan were a timid less man——so timid those the villages titled him “Pigeon” or mocked him with the title “Ivan the Terrible. ”
他是一个胆小如鼠、战战兢兢的小混蛋,总是在怕有朝一日破产的恐惧中过日子—或许是三月十八日,准确日子却是五月二十五日。 A timid, quaking little bugger who lived in constant fear of going broke some day – the 18th of March perhaps, or the 25th of May precisely.
他们的冒险经历不免被夏奇和史酷比活泼有趣或胆小如鼠的滑稽动作抢走了风头,这两个“活宝”总是在和队里的其他人分开后陷入荒谬的困境。 Their adventures would be punctured by the hilarious and cowardly antics of Shaggy and Scooby, who invariably ended up in ridiculous scrapes after splitting off from the rest of the group.
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