以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!舍我其谁shě wǒ qí shuí
成为伙伴中诗人的,舍我其谁? And who but I should be the poet of rades?
有一种霸气叫舍我其谁。 There is a call I am the only real Baqi.
因为,去理解恋人与其悲喜的,舍我其谁? For who but I should understand lovers, and all their sorrow and joy?
上帝造我,独特无伦;荣耀真神,舍我其谁。 God builtunique me and glorythe real God mustthoughme.
一向腿快胆小的吕征马上就找到了舍我其谁的感觉。 Has always been quick legs of the timid Lu Zheng immediately found a sense of who but myself can do.
最终,我们狠抓心态,采用了一种舍我其谁的心理。 Finally, we vigorously promote the point of view, has used one kind of if I can not do it, who can psychology.
尤其奥运已将棒球列入正式比赛,争取荣誉,舍我其谁? Especially since baseball has bee an Olympic discipline, who else will fight for our national prestige?
高燃很执著,很幽默,很霸蛮执著和勇气,一种舍我其谁的气势。 Gao Ran is very persistent, very humorous, very bully pretty persistence and courage, one kind abandons me whose imposing manner.
事实上,他已昭告天下世人,英雄舍我其谁,如此这般又有几人呢? In fact, he has declared to the world the world, a hero who but myself, so it goes again, few do?
热爱丢脸,享受痛苦;日过三关,无怨无悔;重塑尊严,舍我其谁! Enjoying losing face &Enjoying pains; Go through 3 ordeals &Never regret ; Rebuild dignity &believe yourself!
他们需要在比赛中有舍我其谁的霸气,这种霸气是目前大家看不到的。 They need to gain a swagger about their game that is not currently present.
如此强大的团队,如此精良的部署,刘欣当时有种“舍我其谁”使命感。 So big and powerful team , so excellent deployment, Liu Xin had guts “whose whose sense of calling to give me” at that time.
时不我待,舍我其谁?工作即是生活,美梦胜似情人……横批:意赢天下! If not now, when? If not I, who? Working with life, Dreaming with wife…
时不我待,舍我其谁?工作即是生活,美梦胜似情人……横批:意淫天下! If not now, when? If not I, who? Working with life, Dreaming with wife…
舍我其谁呢,告诉我哪些东西是你的,我把它们搬到我那里先,等你回来拿。 It is of course me. Tell me what is yours in the house. I will move your own property away to my house.
时不我待,舍我其谁?工作即是生活,美梦胜似情人……横批:意**天下! If not now, when? If not I, who? Working with life, Dreaming with wife…
如果一个民族做不到,这个民族就永远不会具有在这个地球上舍我其谁的底气。 If a nationality cannot do it, this nationality will never have the energy which can dominate the world.
欧盟自认为生态治理的领袖舍我其谁,但德里克•萨特认为它离这个形象还很遥远。 The European Union likes to think of itself as the unrivalled champion of eco-governance but, argues Derrick Sutter , it is far from living up to its image.
当然,还有许多中国的健儿取得了好成绩,他们舍我其谁、独占鳌头的精神也令我难忘。 Of course, there are many of China’s athletes achieved good results, they who but myself can do, the spirit of the champion also makes me memorable.
他们测试了赌桥牌的赢家,并拿出10美元的小费让你有一种普天之下,舍我其谁的感觉。 They quizzed jackpot winners and came up with 10 tips to keep you feeling on top of the world.
在这个过程中有很多的困难和艰苦,淘宝可能只采取一种“舍我其谁”的精神去做这件事情。 In the process, there are a lot of difficulties and hardship, Taobao may only be a “who but myself can do” spirit to do all these.
今天我第三次登上帝陵封土,感受舍我其谁的王者霸气,一种说不出的开阔与豁达激荡于心底。 A sort of unspeakable enthusiasm is stirred up in the deep of my heart after enjoying the mightiness of supremacy.
今天我第三次登上帝陵封土,感受舍我其谁的王者霸气,一种说不出的开阔与豁达激荡于心底。 This is my third time to climb the mausoleum of emperor. A sort of unspeakable enthusiasm is stirred up in the deep of my heart after enjoying the mightiness of supremacy.
因此,相比第一期招标,这次会更加充满火药味,目前很多设备商都摆出了一副舍我其谁的架势。 Therefore, pares the first phase of tender, this time will be more acrid smell, at present were many equipment business to exhibit a if I can not do it, who can stance.
良好的灵活性、耐力、速度、舍我其谁的气势和疾风暴雨的击打,这些会让拳手具备无可否认的优势。 There are certain undeniable advantages that e with youth: good reflexes, stamina and speed, a sense of invincibility and a certain recklessness that serves prize fighters in particular very well.
而当你来到柳树湾,遨游在倒映着青山白云的水面上时,你会产生君临天下、心雄万夫、舍我其谁的感觉。 And when you e to Willow Bay, flying in the clouds reflected on the waters of Castle Peak, you will have Dominating position, Xinxiong million Cardiff, who but myself can do the feeling.
每个人心中都存有继续往前的使命感。努力奋斗是每个人的责任,我对这样的责任怀有一份舍我其谁的信念。 The sense of obligation to continue is present in all of us. A duty to strive is the duty of us all. I felt a call to that duty.
哈飞集团——舍我其谁,敢为人先——访哈尔滨飞机工业有限责任公司董事长、党委书记崔学文先生。 Xi’an Aircraft Industry Company Ltd. Who Makes a Unremitting Efforts──Visit Mr. Gao Dacheng, the General Manager of Xi’an Aircraft Industry Company Ltd.
保定市长于群有充足的底气宣称,保定建设“中国电谷”是“天时、地利、人和”——“中国电谷”,舍我其谁! Baoding have sufficient lung power longer than the group claimed, Baoding building “China Power Valley” is a “good weather, terrain, and the” – “China Electric Valley, ” who but myself!
假此良机,中国企业亦不遑多让,冲500强,进富豪榜,排竞争力,推风云人物,大有天下之事舍我其谁之概。 Leave this opportunity, the Chinese enterprises are parable to, washed 500 strong, into the Regal alternate, Pai petitiveness, pushing man of the hour, the world is a matter of personal expense.
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