以下文字资料是由小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!石破天惊shí pò tiān jīng
变身是原本出现在_石破天惊_环境的异能。 Madness is an ability originally seen in the _Torment_ set.
变身是原本出现在_石破天惊_环境的异能。 Morph is an ability originally seen in the _Onslaught_ block.
循环是原本出现在_石破天惊_环境的关键字异能。 Grandeur is an ability word with no rules meaning.
我的手在熊熊燃烧!它高唤我去紧抓胜利!石破天惊拳!! My hand’s blazing up! Calling on me to grasp the victory! Rockbreak-Skystartled-Punch! !
石破天惊_的人工演化这张牌,能够改变部族牌的生物类别。 The _Onslaught_ card Artificial Evolution can change the creature types of a tribal.
石破天惊_的人工演化这张牌,能够改变部族牌的生物类别。 The _Onslaught_ card Artificial Evolution can change the creature types of a tribal.
往往紧随一个石破天惊般的事件之后,这种理念才会融入主流。 Very often it takes a shocking event to move them into the mainstream.
然而,这个小小手套可能会对着我们的脸来一记石破天惊的耳光。 but it could be about to give us all a galactic slap in the face.
我们和大自然迎面相碰,它忙着石破天惊,我们却忙着走向毁灭。 We face a collision of nature and its ground-breaking busy, we were busy moving to their doom.
有些牌,例如_石破天惊_系列的真信者,会让牌手获得帷幕异能。 Some cards, such as the _Onslaught_ set’s True Believer, grant shroud to players.
石破天惊的音乐,天衣无缝的结合东西方乐音,为每一支舞蹈完美伴奏。 Groundbreaking music seamlessly bines the best of the East and West, giving each dance an unmistakable flair.
这次的环境集合应该符合这个题材,并且区别于石破天惊环境所拥有的。 The set had to approach that theme in a way different than Onslaught block had.
即使他发现不出什么石破天惊的真理,也不会去附和什么荒谬绝伦的错误。 If he finds no out-of-the-way truths, he will identify himself with no very burning falsehood.
人民以胜利的欢呼,对我们历史上这一石破天惊的大事件,表示了他们的赞许。 With a cry of triumph, the people gave their sanction to one of the boldest exploits which our history records.
它之前出现在_克撒传_环境,_石破天惊_环境,以及_预知将来_系列中。 It has previously appeared on cards from the _Urza’s Saga_ block, the _Onslaught_ block, and the _Future Sight_ set.
循环是原本出现在_石破天惊_环境的关键字异能。此异能并没有根本上的变动。 Cycling is a keyword ability last seen in the _Onslaught_ block. The basic ability is not changing.
且不说“石破天惊”的施工让人望而却步,就是逛市场选材料也要把人折腾得人仰马翻。 Aside “Close” from the construction people is fair market election materials may also cause people to try.
石破天惊,“204条”一经媒体披露,立刻在北京乃至全国的房地产市场引起了轰动。 Close, “204” once media immediately in Beijing and the real estate market caused a sensation throughout the country.
全景牌与_海市蜃楼_系列与_石破天惊_系列的「找地地」不同,本身具有法术力异能。 Unlike the “fetch lands” that appeared in the _Mirage_ set and the _Onslaught_ set, the Panoramas have mana abilities.
食物科学更是石破天惊,巴西一位科学家,利用微分化学,找出了叶绿素、酵素的分子式。 Advances in food science are even more striking. A Brazilian scientist using micro-molecular chemistry determined the molecular formula of chlorophyll and enzymes.
值得一提的是,它前期的规划、设计秘而不宣,在短短两个月内完成,消息披露时已是石破天惊。 It is worth mentioning that it preliminary planning, design undeclared, pleted in a short span of two months, when news is breaking disclosure.
石破天惊的一号文件明示要拿征地制度开刀了――身受土地之乱困扰的国土资源部也开始行动起来。 breaking the 1st document expressly leaders — who land acquisition system at the troubled land of chaos have also begun to take action.
请不要反对我和朋友们打打闹闹,因为你和隔壁大婶对骂起来时,石破天惊,我也没有喝止。 Please don’t oppose me with friends dozen dozen make, because you and the next door big Shen yell to stop towards scold, world-shakingly, I have no also.
由于是以特效电影《石破天惊》、《珍珠港》而闻名的迈克尔·贝导演,批准过程很顺利。 With Michael Bay as the director, known for his special effects-driven movies like “The Rock” and “Pearl Harbor, ” the approval was easy.
产品既有古老艺术的魅力,又有典雅明快的现代艺术风格,在海内外享有“巧夺天工”、“石破天惊”之盛誉。 Products of art both ancient charm, elegance and bright modern art style, at home and abroad enjoy “wonderful”, “A Bigger Bang” of reputation.
如果说马连保连一场cba比赛都没打就下课、还不令人感到意外的话,那么鲍勃·维斯的继任则称得上是石破天惊。 Ma said that if security did not even play a game cba on the school, is not surprising, then Baoboweisi successor will be called The Rock.
我国自从孔子开始,便建立了完整的教育体系,这是大家都知道的。从此教育不再是贵族的专利,这可是件石破天惊的大事。 As we know, China has developed education system since Confucius time. Knowledge is accessible even to non-nobleman. It was a break through.
主教以他的博爱让冉?阿让的心灵受到一种石破天惊的震撼,唤醒了他丢失在心底的善良,为他那坎坷的后半生注满了对生灵的关爱。 Bishop Agen Ran his love for the souls of a ground-breaking shock. He lost to awaken in the hearts of the kind of ups and downs in the latter half of his life is full of love and care.
他的中投准确、突破犀利,而最足为人称道的就是他在空中滑翔时那灵机一动的想象力,他的扣篮有时候像霹雳一样石破天惊,有时候又像柳絮一样柔韧优美。 He’s an accurate, sharp, and the foot of man is he praised glides when it dawns on the imagination, his dunk sometimes like bang, sometimes as darkness LiuXu as beautiful as flexible.
2006年10月4号—追平记录的季后赛单场五支单打表现。在最后一个打席中击出一支石破天惊的全垒打。跑回来三分。策动了次漂亮的双杀守备来瓦解掉老虎队的一次先驰得点的机会。 October 4, 2006 — A record-tying five hits, a crushing homer in his final at-bat, three runs scored and the starting of a nifty double play that killed an early Tigers scoring chance.
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